~Chapter 1~

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-Kim Dokja POV-

Kim Dokja sighed. He didn't want to go to school today, but he had to. He looked at the ceiling and got up from bed and walked drowsily towards the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a shower. He lived alone in a rented flat and he gets some money from his aunt to sustain himself, but he also goes to work.

He re-checked his bag to make sure that his suppresents were there just incase his damned heat-cycle decided to sneak up on him. He stuck a scent patch on his neck. Then he locked the room and went down. He stuck a s Over there he saw the landlady was watering her garden and Dokja smiled at her.

"Good morning Minhe-ssi"

"Ah! Dokja-ssi, good morning! Going to school this early?" The landlady asked."Yes, I have cleaning duty today." He replied.

"Oh my! You really are responsible for your age, inlike someone I know." She said the second half louder for her son, Kim Namwoon to hear. Namwoon grunted from inside. Kim Dokja was surprised that he was awake. "Take care of yourself and don't worry about rent too much. You can always pay it later." She said. She knew Dokja's condition wasn't the best so she was lenient with him. If he couldn't pay the full rent then she would make him compensate by making him cook for her.

"Thank you, I'll pay the rent by the end of this week." Dokja said. The landlady smiled at him as he closed the gate.

He walked to school as discreetly as he could to not draw attention. But there are some days where that doesn't go his way and one of those days just happened to be today. As he walked into class, he heard a few alphas cat-calling him. He wasn't suprised and had got used to it. He was an omega after all.

"Look at that waist." One of the alphas whisled. Dokja hated being cat-called but he kept quite because he wanted to keep a low profile and thats how "omegas are supposed to be". Ugh, he was sick of this.

He igroned the comments and quitely took his seat. 'This is going to be a long and painful day', he thought. The homeroom teacher entered the class and started speaking.

"Good morning class. Please settle down. We have a transfer student joining us today!" The teacher tried to sound enthusiastic about it. He always thought that he wasn't paid enough for his job. The class started to whisper. It was unusual for someone to take a transfer in the middle of an academic session. Many people assumed the new student to be a problematic one.

"You can enter the class now." The teacher said. As the door opened, the scent of alpha pheromones filled the classroom. It smelled like as if there was a forest outside of class. It was calming, as if he had gone to some secluded place in the forest for a nice vacation to relax. 'Great, an alpha' Kim Dokja thought,'Just what I needed'. Dokja didn't even bother to look up at the newcomer.

-Yoo Joonghyuk POV-

Yoo Joonghyuk just stood infront of the class, scanning everyone inside it. He saw a two alphas sitting together in a corner, seizing him up and next to them, sat an omega with light brown hair and eyes, who was eyeing him with slight excitment. But what caught his eye was a particular raven-haired omega.

His head was bent down, so he couldn't see his face. His skin was pale and his figure was thin. He sat right next to the window seat, away from the other alphas and omega, like some main character of a shojo school anime.

"Uh, now's your que to introduce yourself" The teacher said.

"Hello, my name is Yoo Joonghyuk."

"That's it?"

"Yeah" He wasn't bothered to introduce himself, after all, he deemed the people of his new class as insignificant, at least most of them.

"Okay, just sit wherever you want." The teacher said. It was obvious that he hated being here. Can't blame him, Joonghyuk also thought the same.

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