~Chapter 2~

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-Yoo Joonhyuk POV-

Yoo Joonhyuk pinched his noose the moment he smelled omega pheromones. It was coming from Kim Dokja. His pheromones smelled like a peach farm. When Han Sooyoung realized that Kim Dokja was in his heat, She immediety checked his neck. "Good, he has a scent patch on." She then proceeded to shake his head.

"Earth to Kim Dokja, can you hear me?" She asked. Joonhyuk didn't think it would work, but it did.

"Kindaa~~~~" Kim Dokja sounded like he was in a daze.

Han Sooyoung went infront of him and tried to carry him behind her back.

"Hey, let-" Joonghyuk was interrupted by Sooyoung.

"You, carry an omega on heat? Are you even hearing yourself?" She asked, as if she was talking to an idiot. She walked straight ahead and he followed.

"Why are you following us?" She asked.

"Because I'm worried" Joonghyuk said. Han Sooyoung suddenly turned and approched a group of highschoolers, they were pretty built, which ment that they probably attended the military school nearby.

"Is there a beta amoung you guys?" She asked them. One of them raised their hand. The boy was tanned and well-built, with a buzz cut which suited him well.

"This omega is on his heat right now, can you help me carry him back to his house?" She asked. Joonghyuk didn't like the idea of some random person touching Kim Dokja, let alone carry him, but there was nothing he could do. The beta ran towards Han Sooyoung and carried Kim Dokja on his back. Han Sooyoung proceeded to show the beta the route to Kim Dokja's house.

Joonhhyuk wondered if it was a goood idea to lead a stranger to his house. He maintained a distance, but followed.

After a while, they finally reached Kim Dokja's house. Han Sooyoung turned around and whispered.

"Dokja's landlady simply cannot find out!"

Joonghyuk wondered how horrible Kim Dojka's landlady would be from the way she was acting. The beta nodded and slowly climed the stairs. After reaching the door, Han Sooyoung asked the two to turn around. Joonghyuk could hear noises but decided not to cross Han Sooyoung. He would never admit it, but he had grown to be a teensy bit scared of the female beta from the short time he knew her.

"You can turn around now" Han Sooyoung said as she opened the door with a newly acquired key. She signaled the other beta to come in. When Joonghyuk tried to enter, she stopped him."No alphas allowed" She said with a stern face. Joonghyk was livid. But deep down inside he knew she was right. Being next to an omega during heat was not the best thing for him right now. He let this slide for now.

'Look at you, Yoo Joonghyuk. Letting yourself be bossed around by some lowly beta' He mentally scolded himself. He was leaning on the wall when Han Sooyoung bolted out of the room. Joonghyuk flinched. He did not see that coming.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To the pharmacy. I couldn't find his suprresents" Joonghyuk followed her as she ran towards what he assumed was the pharmacy. When they reached the doorstep, Han Sooyoung stopped abruptly. Joonghyuk almost fell ontop of her.

"Why did you stop?"

"I forgot to bring his prescription" She said. Joonghyuk's eyes widen. If they bought the wrong supressents, then it would effect Kim Dokja's health and even if they did get the right ones, they needed the priscription to buy it.

Han Sooyoung sighed as she went to the counter.

"One condom please" She asked. Joonghyuk ran up to her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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