An Unwelcome Visitor

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Double update coz i promised 🥰 Next chapter target is 105 votes and 80 comments, if you all reach the target quickly then tomorrow also you will get a double update 😁

As the last vestiges of consciousness slipped away from Jungkook, the silence of the room was shattered by the creak of the door opening.

A figure walked inside, their movements cloaked in the shadows. A cruel smirk played on their lips, hidden from view by a surgical mask they pulled on their face as they entered Jungkook's dark room

they approached the unconscious Jungkook, their steps silent on the cold concrete floor. Jungkook was sleeping on the bed, his chest rising and falling weakly with each shallow breath.

The figure circled the bed with a smirk on their hidden face "Look at you," he whispered with a smirk "The great, fierce Jeon Jungkook, lying like a dead log"

The figure leaned closer, their breath hot against Jungkook's pale cheek. He raised his finger, then he slowly pressed his finger on Jungkook's bruised cheek.

"Thank god you're here," the figure hissed, their voice laced with a chilling satisfaction, The figure's hand tightened its grip on Jungkook's face

"In a hospital bed by your own doings. Now, even if you die with my hands, the police won't suspect a thing. Kim Taehyung will be arrested, and your legacy and your everything will be mine."

He bursted out laughing and his laughter echoed breaking the silence of the dark room, each weak pulse from the heart monitor sounded like a beautiful music to his ears

"This is the end, Jeon Jungkook," he hissed, their voice laced with venom. "Your reign ends now and your life too And no one will ever know the truth."

With a final, creepy laugh, the figure turned and walked away from the room their footsteps swallowed by the silence of the hallway, leaving Jungkook alone in the darkness, The only sound left was the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor

Next day Taehyung stood infront of the glass doors of the hospital, his heart pounding against his ribs. He was scared to go inside the hospital and face mrs Jeon's anger after yesterday's incident

He had barely slept the night before, haunted by the chilling image of Jungkook lying pale and unconscious in that hospital room.

Taking a deep breath, he reached for the handle, his hand trembling slightly. He had to see Jungkook again and he must prove to jungkook that how much he loves him,

he pushed open the glass door and he walked inside the hospital, a stern voice stopped him in his tracks

"Sorry, Kim Taehyung," the receptionist said, her voice was stern and professional. "You can't go inside. Mrs. Jeon strictly ordered me not to let you in."

Taehyung felt a cold dread creep up his spine, He had to see Jungkook, he wants to be with his love

"But...Jungkook..." he stammered, his voice barely a whisper. "I need to see him. He's my boyfriend!"

The receptionist's expression remained impassive. "I understand your concern, Mr. Kim. However, Mrs. Jeon's instructions are clear. You are not allowed to enter."

"Mrs. Jeon" tae mumbled to himself looking down, he looked up with teary eyes he stammered, his voice cracking. "P-Please let me in, Mrs jeon will not know'

Ms. Lee pursed her lips, her gaze shifting uncomfortably. "I'm not sure, sir. Mrs. Jeon was quite adamant. Perhaps you could try contacting her directly?"

Taehyung's jaw clenched tight "I don't care," he gritted through his teeth his voice thick with desperation. "I'm going in to see Jungkook"

Before he could take another step, he was stopped by the receptionist, she placed a firm hand on his arm, her grip surprisingly strong.

"Kim Taehyung" she said. "If you take another step inside the hospital, I will call security. I don't want any commotion here, You might even get arrested for creating a disturbance in a hospital."

Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision. He wiped them away angrily, the frustration and helplessness churning within him as the made his way out of the hospital, He couldn't see Jungkook, couldn't be there for him, and the thought was unbearable.

As he stepped outside, the cool air hit him like a slap. He wiped the tears that had escaped his eyes, his vision blurring as he looked around. Suddenly, he collided with someone, the impact sending him stumbling back.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" a voice exclaimed, filled with concern.

Taehyung looked up, his blurry vision slowly clearing as he looked at a familiar girl standing infront of him

The girl's eyes widened in surprise as she fixed her glasses "Hey, it's you!" she exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across her face. "Thank you so much for helping me the other day. My assignment got approved!"

"Oh, yeah," he said, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Glad I could help."

The girl extended her hand. "By the way, I'm naina" she said, her voice sounded bubbly and friendly. "And your good name?"


Naina Talwar

Age : 21Pursuing her MBBS degree in Seoul medical hospital It was her childhood dream to study Medicine in abroadHer family lives in India

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Age : 21
Pursuing her MBBS degree in Seoul medical hospital
It was her childhood dream to study Medicine in abroad
Her family lives in India

"I am Kim Taehyung"

Naina's smile widened further. "Oh nice to meet you kim taehyung, I'm actually an intern here," she revealed, a hint of pride in her voice. Taehyung nodded his head

"Thank you so much for your help again," naina continued, her smile genuine. "I really owe you a big one."

Taehyung managed a weak smile, He glanced down, his eyes catching a glimpse of her ID card hanging around her neck. The words "Seoul medical hospital - Intern" were clearly printed on it.

He took a deep breath and looked back at naina, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Will you help me?" he asked showing his watery eyes

Naina widened her eyes slightly "Of course" she said without hesitation.

"Tell me what you need."

Taehyung took a deep breath, his voice trembling slightly as he poured out his heart. He spoke of his desperation to see Jungkook saying everything to her. By the end of his story, naina's eyes were welling up with tears.

"I will help you, Tae," She reached out and gently took his hand, her voice unwavering despite the tears threatening to spill. "I will try my best."

The gesture, broke the dam within him. Tears welled up in Taehyung's eyes, spilling over and trailing down his cheeks. He didn't try to stop them

Naina didn't pull away. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Taehyung, He leaned into her embrace offering him a silent support, tae found solace in the warmth of her presence

Any guesses... who is the mask person ???

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