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Explaining subspecies #2 (Crystalsapiens, Petrosapiens, Conductoides and Pyronitas)


Crystalsapiens born in Mor0tesi have some differences from Crystalsapiens born in Petropia. They are composed of special crystals, in addition to having several colors in their outer crystals.

Color chart:

Purple = greater endurance and greater strength

Green = higher speed and higher defense

Blue = increased absorption capacity (Conduictoid level) and increased resistance to magical attacks

LGBT (colored) = extremely rare and has all the powers of others.

Known members:

Chromatic (Blue)
Sugillite (Colorful)
Guardians of Mor0tesi (color)

Known hybrids:

Bella B Tennyson (⅕human, ⅕osmosian, ⅕Crystalsapien, ⅕Galvanic Mecamorph and ⅕ectonurite; temporarily)
Ultimate Kevin (Part Crystalsapien)


They follow almost everything of prime, but have variation of powers by colors and are made of tadenite

Color chart:

Blue = manipulation of crystals

Red = can absorb some energy sources and has higher resistance

White = greater strength and greater defense

Purple = greater speed, greater agility and greater intelligence

Green = greater adaptation to environments and improved Crystal handling

Yellow = extinct, but legends say they had greater stature and stamina

Pink = better in physical combat and smaller in stature

Known members:

Diamondhead (all colors)
Tetrax (Blue)
Lord Petrosapien (Red)

Known hybrids:

Ultimate Kevin (Petrosapien Part)


Conductoides born in Tesslavon V have more absorption capacity and greater resistance, in addition to their threads they can reach a greater distance and are quite strong physically.

Ben 12: InfosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora