It's been a while...

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Hello everyone.

Yeah, I know, it's been a looooong time since I last updated Springlocked. You probably either dropped the book or are waiting helplessly for the next chapter or thought I fucking died or something. Well, I'm here, and I think it's only fair I explain myself.

Firstly, before you say anything, no, the book isn't discontinued. I will still be uploading for Springlocked, just at a much, much slower rate than I used to. I've found it really fucking hard to come up with ideas for chapters that I liked or where I wanted this story to go and how I wanted to execute it while keeping you all happy and satisfied with it. In the end, I ended up burning out early last year and which made it even more difficult for me to come up with shit for this book.

Secondly, one of my other published works, Elementals, has been occupying pretty much all of my writing capacity and time. I just have so many more ideas for that series (yes, it's a series) that I wanna execute. Granted, it's not as popular as Springlocked, but it's a story that I wanna flesh out more and more every time I start a new chapter. Elementals has become a major passion of mine, and in the process, Springlocked was overshadowed and forgotten, along with all the other stories I've written.

Thirdly, my mental health isn't particularly at a good place at the moment. Burnout is a bitch, among other things. I'd be lying if I said I was trying to improve my mental health over the four months that I've been absent from this book. Life kinda sucks, school is a headache (especially now with midyear exams coming up in a few weeks) and with the added pressure I was putting on myself to get back in the habit of writing multiple chapters for multiple books in the span of a week, I just couldn't bring myself up to continuing.

2024 has been...a lot since the start, and I guess I was just trying to find a way to cope and adjust to it all. Of coarse, none of this is an excuse for leaving for so long, it's merely an explanation of where I've been for the past 4 months. I also want to apologise for the hiatus and for keeping you all waiting. I'll try to get back into the swing of things sooner or later.

Sone good news, however, I finally started a new chapter. Sure took my sweet ass time, but I'm putting some of my creativity into Springlocked for once, the middle child of the works I've created. I think this story is more than deserving of some love, don't you think? I'm thinking of titling it: Incriminating Evidence, and considering what happened in the last chapter, shit is probably gonna hit the fan pretty soon😅.

I don't know when exactly I'll be able to upload it with everything I'm trying to juggle. I'll try and upload it before the end of the month is possible. Hopefully finishing the new chapter will give me the motivation to continue with this book and see it through to the very end. (Hopefully...)

Once again, I'm sorry for making you all wait so long and disappearing without a trace. And I promise that the next chapter wil be out soon. While you wait, feel free to have a read at some of my other, earlier stories. Fair warning though, I was an ameture writer at the time, and some of the shit that I wrote was cringe as fuck. Still, check it out if you're interested.

Anyway, that's it from me for now. I hope you have a great rest of your day. I'll have Incriminating evidence out as soon as I can. I'll see you then.

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