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The soles of my golden flats and his shiny dark shoes made little to no sound when we walked together on the marble floors of the palace hallway. I couldn't keep from internally being in awe at every minute detail in the structure of the pillars, the domes, the antique decorations. Each and every little thing gleamed of opulence. Richness.

No wonder Azmia was well-known as the Golden country.

I had slept with the sultan of the country that bleeds gold, and he had an adorable picture of me drooling on his phone. I certainly knew how to pick a one-night stand.

Biting my cheek, I tried to look anywhere but at him. His presence and his aura were a living thing, beckoning me to gaze at him, marvel at his beauty and his leadership. I had seen no one talk like that to my father. Other than me, of course.

"The palace gardens are this way," Zain said, his voice husky, reminding me of the night we had spent together.

I followed him, shamelessly staring at the tailor-made suit and pants he wore. The dark velvet suit looked marvelous on him. The golden embroidery with minute details donned the lapels of the suit, and the cuffs in intricate designs gleamed under the moonlight. I couldn't stop staring at how captivating he looked.

The night air was chilly, and the moon was bright, glowing, while two guards trailed behind us with lanterns, giving us enough privacy to talk. The garden seemed quiet in the night, bushes trimmed expertly in various shapes, the pathway paved with cobblestones.

I tried not to gawk at the tall, handsome man beside me, who smelled of musky pine and something heady. He was beautiful, radiating power and control with his lean, muscled frame. His wavy hair was pushed out of his face, the dark locks gleaming in the moonlight. Brows dark and slashing over his hooded obsidian pools of eyes.

I had tried my best not to tremble when he had seen me in the library with such intensity that I wanted to hide behind the curtains or run away from the palace. He had truly seen me. Just like the night we had kissed.

I wonder if he remembered that kiss and the night we spent together. The kiss that had ruined me.

"I wanted to talk to you about that night," Sultan Zain said. The timber of his smooth voice making me shiver.

I licked my lips, waiting for him to continue.

Zain stopped walking and turned towards me. I met his stare as he cleared his throat and asked, "Did we... did we use protection that night?"

I blinked. "What?" My mind went blank with confusion. "Are you asking me if we used protection—a condom or not?"

He didn't reply.

I almost laughed. Almost because he looked wounded.

"Sultan Zain, I am not sure if you remember, but you didn't have any condoms with you, and I mentioned I was on birth control pills," I said. "If you want, we can get our tests done."

"No, of course not. I trust you. Thank you for clarifying. I didn't remember using protection that night and I had to ask you." He confessed, his broad shoulders rigid.

Of course, he called me to his palace to ask me about protection. Why would I ever think that it was something more than that? He didn't even know I was the princess when we slept together. I certainly didn't remember that the Sultan of Azmia was that handsome. Even though he had told me his name was Zain.

"I knew your name wasn't Jasmine," Zain said softly, as if he could read my mind.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and met his eyes. "It is my middle name."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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