The revelation

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" Sit here ", she pointed to the seat beside her .


· Mina pov ·

' isn't that the girl who bumped into me just now ' i thought

" Hi , are you Ms Myoraitozaki ? My name is Son Chaeyoung ", she introduced herself .

I just nod my head , showing zero interest in these conversation .

" Look , i want to apologize about the incident just now ", she started

" I didn't mea- ", i cut her off

" Just focus in the lesson " i said in a serious tone

" Okey... ", she obeyed me and took out her lesson materials .

' wow , i didn't expect for her to listen to me , she's really like a small kid ' i laughed silently

** An hour later **

' finally it's lunch time , I'm starving '

I turn around to packed my bag when suddenly i noticed the girl beside me sleeping peacefully .

' she looked like a small kid , so cute ' i thought to myself not realising I've been staring at her for awhile

I was just about to wake her up when suddenly her two bestfriend came in .
I quickly stand up and left the classroom . I noticed one of her friend staring at me but i ignored it .

** Chaeyoung pov **

" Why are y'all shouting ? ", i asked , annoyed that someone ruined my perfect dream .

" Wake up , it's lunchtime , u have to treat us , don't try to escape ", dahyun said while they try to carry me up .

" Yah , let me go ", i said and walk out

While we were eating peacefully , my sister sat at our table along with her girlfriend , Nayeon and her friend , Jihyo .

" Hello my babies , i miss y'all alot ", Nayeon and Jihyo said

" Hello unnies , we miss you too ", we replied in unison .

" How are you two doing this year ? ", i asked .

" I'm still the same old jeongyeon's girlfriend ", nayeon answered

" Ewwww ", all of us said in unison .

" You're still as clinche as ever ", tzuyu said forwardly while making the puking actions . All of us laughed at the silly act .

" I became the president of the student council since the last president graduated last year ", jihyo replied .

We congratulate jihyo even though it's not a surprise . Jihyo is like a mom to us so of course being the student council president is a very suitable role for her .

" Btw , tzuyu u still haven't answered my question "

I asked curiously," Who is your crush out of the three ? "

" What do u mean crush ? " Jeongyeon asked confusedly .

" I heard from dahyun , she has a big fat crush on one of the myoraitozaki sisters "

" Okey stop teasing me or i will not tell u ", tzuyu said hesitantly .

I quickly shut my mouth and make the locking action to show that I'm listening .

" It's .... "

" .... "

" .... "

" What's taking u so long to respo- ", i said irritatingly but got cut off when she said .

" I like Myoraitozaki Mina "

** Thank you for reading **

- did u get the answer correct ?

- if not , who did u guess instead ?

Let's get to the next chapter...

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