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    Everything had finally been done and over with as Addie walked over and tagged Tadashi on her seemingly dead back. Finally moving over to Raven, Takashi, and finally Lilith, she found tagging Lilith last to be the best range of motion because she was the one who truly took everyone down. If it wasn't for her final move, her last resort, as Addie would call it, none of them would have probably survived the attack on all of them.
  Tadashi was the best thing that could have happened to all of them because they found new strengths through her and were able to plan better for the next fight, if another fight would even present itself to the ones left standing. She looked to Nik, Kyle and Ren who had finally come over to see the damage before trying to make some contact with them. "Hey, over here." Addie called to the boys to see Tadashi, Raven, Lilith and Kazi all laying on the ground. "You should come see this."
  With further inspection, they were able to deduce that both Tadashi and Kazi had been killed due to the injuries they sustained from the battle while Raven and Lilith were still breathing, albeit barely. Ren made a small wooden wheel barrow out of some wood and scraps laying around from the field while Nik and Kyle picked up the four of them who were down, putting them in the basket and looking for Takashi who had wondered off.
  Addie nodded to the boys to take the rest of them back as she went over to find Takashi standing inside of the burned cabin with his face in his hands. She slowly came to sit beside Takashi and listen to him cry, knowing he had been through a lot from everything that had gone down in these woods. "My sister is dead all because of me." Takashi cried, leaning her head on Addie's shoulder for support and an attempt for her to console him. "I unknowingly killed my sister all because I was..." He trailed off, leaving Addie in the dust with her trying to conclude the sentence.
  She slowly took her hand and wrapped it around Takashi's right shoulder to pull him in closer, trying her best not to cry at the sight of one of the strongest people she had ever seen, break down right in front of her. Addie had always seen Takashi as one of the most capable people in the school, as did most around her, but she had come to the realization that Takashi, despite what others would come to say and think, was actually just a human with a really bad streak of luck, making him into the person he was today. "Your sister didn't die because of you, Takashi. It wasn't your fault."
  Takashi whipped his head up and pushed Addie away, his cries switched to quick anger and disbelief for himself and everything around him. "You think this wasn't my fault!?" He screamed at Addie, standing up and making Addie look ever so smaller than himself. "My sister kidnapped me because she was in love with me and my stupidity! I had entrusted her with all of my secrets, fantasies and dreams! She took those to kidnap me and use me at her own goddamn will!" Addie could sense that his anger was boiling over the top for himself and Tadashi's actions, not only because of her death, but everything leading up to it. Nonetheless, she couldn't help but cry at the way he screamed at her.
  Somewhat reminding Addie of her dad, Takashi pressed on with his argument, throwing his hands around and his face getting redder with each passing word he spoke. "I was the one who expected her to act like my sister and treat me like her true brother despite how we were adopted! If I wasn't so naive, she wouldn't have been able to grab me to begin with and none of this would have happened! She wouldn't have tried to fight you guys in sake of keeping me around because I wouldn't have been in her grasp and she wouldn't have died! If you wanted me to, I could even go further back and say my entire existence is the reason she died here today! My personality, my drive, my love lust, if I wasn't the person I was, she wouldn't have wanted me and wanted someone else! Someone who could have wanted to love her!"
  Suddenly, the look of resentment turned to complete realization as he fell back to his knees and hit the ground with a thump. "If I- If I could have wanted to love her and give her the chance she was wanting... she wouldn't be dead right now. I loved her in the wrong way and- and she killed herself because of it." His realization went right to sobbing, loud uncoherent sobbing for his dead sister, whom he did love, just not in the right way. Even with all the evidence Takashi gave her, Addie couldn't help but think it wasn't Takashi's fault and give him the false hope he was trying so hard to achieve.
  Addie watched as Takashi curled himself into a ball and continued to sob directly into the night, his sister was dead and his mind was broken from the acts Tadashi had done to him before dying herself. She couldn't help but think Takashi was too busy thinking about Tadashi, that he wasn't thinking about himself, leading to the whole mental break, or he was assuming that him being who he was, lead to her using him in the sexual activities she brought him out to do. Although Addie wasn't mentally stable enough to hear Takashi's cries anymore, she pushed herself to hold him for however long it would take for him to finally be ready and see the rest of the world... or take himself down with the guilt and anger he built for himself in his own little world that he would begin to live in for the rest of his time still alive...

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