Y/n x Dan Heng

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Info: This is long after the Lufou when Dan Heng got comfortable with being in this 'dragon form' more often.

Y/n PoV:

"What are you looking at?"

Y/n turned, glancing at March guiltily. They grinned, shrugging. "Nothing," Y/n responded.

March raised one eyebrow skeptically. "You are so obviously staring at him."

Heat flushed Y/ns' cheeks as they turned away, grumbling. It was true; they were, but who could blame them? They had never seen Dan Heng like this.

Not only was he wearing the comfiest, non-Dan Heng clothes, but he also had strange, delicate-looking blue horns and a tail. He was lounging on the express couch, adjusting his loose gray long-sleeve and snacking on some tea.

"He's remembering memories," March explained, sipping her juice. "From when he was Dan Feng."

"Oooo, is this the time I finally learn about his dark and mysterious past?" Y/n asked, grinning.

"Do you still not know?" Himeko walked by before sitting next to Y/n. She tossed her red hair over her shoulder before tapping her fingers on the table. "Dan Heng isn't human."

Y/n glanced at Dan Heng, who had flicked the fluffy end of his tail. "Righ  Never would've guessed."

Himeko smiled softly. "Dan Heng is a dragon-like species from the Luofu, known as the Vidyadharas. You should've learned about them in the Trailblazing book I gave you."

"Oh..." Y/n averted their gaze, "Right. About that..."

"We put it in the paper shredder." March grinned, eyes sparkling.  "It was incredible. It could take so much paper!"

Himeko sighed, rubbing her temples quietly before continuing. "As I was saying, the Vidyadhara are known for reincarnation. Instead of dying, when they reach the end of their life, they restart their life.  The details specifically leave me..." Himeko pursed her lips. "Dan Heng used to be a Vidyadhara known as Dan Feng."

"So..." Y/n glanced back at Dan Heng, who had started chatting with Welt.  "What happened?  Like, you make it sound like Dan Feng was... bad?"

Himeko's face became grave, and March smiled nervously. "I'm going to see if PomPom needs help!" March sped off, leaving the parlor.

"Dan Feng caused... plenty of trouble on the Luofu.  He committed the ten unpardonable sins...stole the Abundance power..."

Y/n winced.  "Dan Heng would never do that, though."

Himeko nodded, "That's the thing with the reincarnation.  They remember their past but can choose not to continue that path.  The Luofu people did not see it that way, however."

The ruby-haired woman watched outside the window for a moment, remembering. "Dan Heng went through his reincarnation but was kept in the Shakling Prison.  He spent who knows how long in there..."

"That's horrible," Y/n murmured, staring out the window as well.  "Why does he even remember those terrible things?"

"He believes he could've done something different that wouldn't have brought so much pain." Himeko sighed before standing. "I'm going to go.  I suggest you talk to him for a bit."

With that, the red-haired woman walked towards the door leading to the Trailblazers' rooms.  Welt had already gone, so only Dan Heng and them left.  Y/n took a deep breath before wandering over to Dan Heng.

The black-haired Vidyadhara glanced at them for a moment before looking away.  "I take it Himeko explained?"

Y/n nodded quietly, glancing away before continuing, "I was wondering If you wanted to talk?"

Dan Heng let out a soft hum, shaking his head, "I'm fine."

Y/n sighed, "You're always like this."

"Like what?"

"Emotionless. Cold.  You never accept someone's help, ever."

Dan Heng glanced at them again, staring momentarily before responding, "Distract me."


"I'm trying not to remember right now for the sake of the others.  Distract me."

Y/n swallowed, trying to think. "Well, how about a game? Twenty Questions? Would you Rather?"

"March is always trying to make me play Would you Rather with her, how about that?"

Y/n grinned, "Sure!  You go first."

Dan Heng pursed his lips, shifting on the couch. His dragon tail twitched, shifting sides to lie on his right.  "Alright... Would you Rather babysit Hook or Bailu?"

Y/n sighed, "Bailu, honestly. Hook is so chaotic, but Bailu...well, she wants to get away from the Commission."

Dan Heng nodded in response, and Y/n continued, "Alright, my turn. Would you rather clean out three weeks' worth of coffee cups or clean the outside of the parlor car windows?"

The Vidyadhara sighed, staring out the window. "I gave you an easy one, which is hardly fair."

Y/n grinned, "I never said we had to give equal ones."

"Fine." Dan Heng looked back at them.  "The outside of the windows."


"I don't know...I feel like it would be much easier.  I can control water to some extent."

"But imagine how easy it would be to watch the cups."


The two talked on long after they should have gone to sleep, so PomPom had to shoo them into their rooms.  Y/n smiled at Dan Heng as they slipped into their room, and they could've sworn they saw Dan Heng smile back.

Word Count: 797

This was my first oneshot ever, so any constructive criticism is very helpful <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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