Whispered Confessions

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Early update babies ❣️ next chapter target would be 100 votes and 80 comments 🥰 don't forget to vote and comment....your beautiful comments encourages me a lot ☺️

naina smiled holding taehyung's soft hand as she pushed open the heavy glass doors of the hospital

They were about to go inside suddenly a woman appeared infront of them blocking them from going inside the hospital her eyes flitting between naina and Taehyung. Before naina could explain, yeri held up a hand.

"You can't enter inside kim taehyung" yeri stated firmly as she glared at  Taehyung making him gulp as he kept his eyes glued to the floor

naina stepped forward glaring at the receptionist. "Let us inside, he is with me," she said, her tone was slightly harsh. She pointed towards her ID card, she held it up for the receptionist to see.

The receptionist's eyes widened slightly looking at The ID card presumably a medical student's, She mumbled a small apology, the harshness melting from her expression.

"Of course, please proceed," she said, gesturing towards the corridor behind her.

naina wasted no time. She squeezed Taehyung's hand reassuringly and pulled him forward, their pace quickening as they walked past the waiting area

The elevator doors slid open with a soft chime, revealing the hallway of the fourth floor.

Taehyung stepped out, his hand instinctively reaching for the mask in his pocket. He pulled it on his face, the fabric muffling his anxious breaths because he didn't want to get caught by Mrs jeon again

The last thing he needed was to be recognized here. He had already skipped two days of college, using the excuse of a sudden illness

In the past two days, He observed Jungkook's daily routine with a heavy heart. His love remained unconscious, his eyelids fluttering occasionally but never fully opening.

The sterile silence of the room was broken only by the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor, a constant reminder of Jungkook's fragile condition.

Hours ticked by with the monotonous rhythm of the beeping machines as Jungkook lay still and unconscious.

Taehyung stood glued to the window outside the room, He barely left Jungkook's side, stealing only short bathroom breaks and gulping down mouthfuls of water and some food provided by the naina

Hours passed in these two days yet Mr. and Mrs. Jeon were not with Jungkook most of the time, they would visit him 1 or 2 hours maximum, tae couldn't shake off the growing frown on his face.

Jungkook was still deeply unconscious Taehyung couldn't understand why Jungkook's uncle and aunty weren't there for Jungkook

He thought about his own parents, the were literally going crazy when he was hospitalized as a child for having a viral fever, They wouldn't have left his side for a second, showering him with love and concern, He couldn't help but compare it to his own experiences.

Was it truly possible for Jungkook's family to be so detached from jungkook, especially in a time as critical as this?

Taehyung realised that Jungkook's family is the biggest business tycoon of south korea, He figured they must be busy people, their schedules packed with important work and meetings, that's the reason that kept them away from their nephew.

Taehyung also noticed a change in the routine around six pm. The silence of the room was broken by the nurse as she entered, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. Her hands moved efficiently, checking Jungkook's vitals and adjusting the IV drip.

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