Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

They're going to fucking lose.

The Goodwin Boarding School is ahead of them, leading by three touchdowns versus Beaufort's measly score of zero.

Jisoo is positively fuming. As team captain of the Vipers, it's her job to keep them in check. Every opportunity they have been given to catch the ball or score a point has been fumbled within seconds, her teammates' sloppy back-to-school playing ruining their chances. This summer has made them slower, weaker, and less sharp than before. Jisoo can tell half of her players haven't been practicing over the break.

To add on, the other team's captain was messing with her. Each time the Seahawks got a touchdown, the brunette would shoot a wink at Jisoo or flash one of those irritating smirks in her direction. Something itches underneath her skin with every teasing gesture, driving Jisoo close to madness.

"Can anyone explain why you're all playing like spineless children?" She asks, her jaw twitching. None of her teammates respond and only a few of them raise their heads to make eye contact. "If we lose to those snobby rich kids, we might as well just quit now."

Seulgi scoffs, coming close to an eye roll. "Is that your best attempt at an inspiring speech?"

"No. Catch the football or I'll cram it down your throat, Kang." Jisoo claps her hands together and marches back onto the middle of the field without another word. There. Inspiring.

She normally wouldn't be so... upfront about their playing, but scoring no touchdowns at all is more than embarrassing. It's mortifying. Humiliating.

Jisoo looks up and, despite the sunlight blocking her vision, catches her father's eye. She freezes, blood thickening to ice at the disappointed look on his face. No. Not disappointed-angry. Jisoo swallows a lump in her throat and forces herself to face the field again. The opposing team is in position, wearing smug smiles. In the distance, Jisoo can see their captain-that brunette-out on the grass, crouched down, with her hand up and-

-and fucking waving at Jisoo.

Jennie snaps the ball to her and she immediately catches it, backing up with it cradling her hands while Jackson goes long. Jisoo searches for the patch of red and black in the distance, winding up her arm once she spots him and throwing it.

It goes soaring through the air, getting closer and closer to Jackson until...

"Yes!" Jisoo subtly pumps her fist in the air and high-fives Jennie as Jackson makes the touchdown. "Finally!"

"Guess your speech worked." Jennie remarks and Jisoo rolls her eyes, a tired grin against her lips.

Out of the corner of her eye, she sees the other team beginning to gather around something. At first, she mistakes it for just another huddle, but then Jisoo notices the absence of the brunette. She realizes they're gathered around someone, not something.

Jisoo shoves down that thought as quickly as it rises. She shouldn't care, that girl is a stranger. A stranger who has been fucking with Jisoo all day. She shouldn't care. She doesn't.

The referee starts to blow his whistle, making a symbol with his hands that means injured.

Jisoo thinks she's been staring too long, so she glances back at Seulgi and Jennie. They don't seem to be as interested in all of this as Jisoo.

"Kim!" The ref suddenly points at her. Jisoo frowns, taken aback. "Get over here!"

Is she in trouble? She didn't do anything. Shit, if anyone deserves to be punished it's that girl for unsportsmanlike conduct. Sure, she was only smiling and waving, but Jisoo knows how these things work. People try to throw her off her game by playing nice and-

Jisoo ignores the snickering and quiet protests she hears while walking over there. She sees Seulgi hiding a laugh behind her hand and resists the urge to flip her off.

"Yes?" Jisoo asks, once she's there, slightly annoyed.

The brunette is sitting on the field, clutching her ankle in her hands. She's pretty up close, that's something Jisoo can't deny. Her face is flushed pink from exertion, a light color that Jisoo can't help but admire. Her soft features are highlighted by the ponytail she's wearing, dark strands pulled back and held together by a blue and yellow hair tie.

When Jisoo looks at her, at this stranger, all she wants to do is paint. It's unnerving. Jisoo glances away and makes sure not to be caught ogling her again.

"Take her to the nurse's office." The ref orders. "You're going to have to carry her."

A loud wave of protests comes from both teams.

The referee holds up his hands to silence them all. "If the Seahawks lose their captain, then so do the Vipers."

"I don't need to be carried." The girl grumbles under her breath, sounding almost embarrassed.

The two respective teams reluctantly break apart and return back to the field without their captains. Jisoo gets a glimpse of her teammates playing badly and bites the inside of her cheek, deciding she needs to join them as soon as possible. She kneels down next to the brunette and is met with defiant eyes and a stubborn pout.

"You are not picking me up." The blush on her cheeks grows visibly. "I can walk just fine."

Oh? Is this embarrassing her?

Seems like the right time for revenge.

"No." Jisoo smirks, feeling petty. "You're injured."

With narrowed eyes, the brunette lifts her arms into the air to allow Jisoo to pick her up. Jisoo does so carefully, and in the process catches a glimpse of the last name printed across the back of the girl's jersey.

How strange. Jisoo maneuvers around to get Park situated on her back, carrying her piggyback style.

Park huffs. "If you drop me, I swear to God, I will-"

"I won't." Jisoo promises. She means it.

Jisoo walks a bit faster, accidentally jostling the girl on her back. She hears a yelp from behind her (feels it, too, in the warm puff of breath that crawls up the nape of her neck), and feels two arms tighten around her shoulders. Jisoo tries not to laugh.

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