the unsavory fact

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"You know that I used to believe that we would make it to the end, but that end came earlier than expected ...FUCK I CAN'T STAND THIS YOU SAID YOU WOULDNT LEAVE ME!" I watched jeose argue with his girlfriend or should I say ex given how she is tied up and inside the casino. He's not really the best person considering how he kidnapped her and is now torturing her "Anothony goes get me my Glock. "I guess I'm helping him with another murder so I might as well as listen to him after all I'm his right-hand man as well as his best friend. I seem to always find myself jealous of his exes well those who live after breaking up and dating him at least. I have been here for jeose since the day we met I helped him with everything. I know the name of every person he has ever dated. I like to say I'm helping him kill because I'm his best friend but in reality, I'm in love with him. I'm in love with my best friend. I try to ignore my feelings for him but as time passes, they become stronger to suppress. and when he gets drunk, he is so flirty and caring towards me. It makes me feel like I might have a chance even though I know I don't. But I will take whatever he gives me when sober and drunk as comfort for the hole in my heart that is just for him." here you are sir. "I say blankly wondering what will happen. As I handed him the gun our fingers brushed against each other. I stepped back preparing for the worst. BANG!" I TOLD YOU NOT TO MOVE~." of course, he wouldn't kill her she was the only one who truly loved him if you remove me. He was going to make sure that she knew that she was his even if that meant having to use some harmful methods. "Anthony, I need you to take care of her wound. And I also need you to prepare her room after you finish." I listen to him how I love his dark bronze complexation with those pools of honey for eyes how I could get lost in them but currently my main task is to take care of anna and her wound within her thigh.  

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