who going To wipe her tears

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I go get the room ready for anna I hope she can be happy cause this casino is fucking hell to both work and survived in. Not to mention her crazy ex who is my best friend. Her room is nice, neat in her favorite color alongside some of her favorite things because I want her to have at least some hope whether fake or real if she is. "Anthony come here, will you?" yelled jeose . "Coming." I replied. Before I left the room were ana would be staying I left a burner cellphone under the sheets so she would have contact with those she cared for because I was close friends with her befriend Jaylin. Jaylin had mentioned to me once when we went out for an drink that ana admitted she stilled liked jeose but ana told her to leave it in the past and find somebody who wouldn't her contact with people and I fully understand where she was coming from , if my best friend wanted back with their crazy ex I would laugh and tell them to stop joking .

"You needed me sir?"

"Yes, I want you to stay by ana's side and be a bodyguard. she is currently getting bathed by the maids since I can't trust her just yet." jeose said I listened to him with the same cold expression I've had for the last 10 years ago

"Also, if you ever try and steal her, I will kill you do you understand "he said while going through her phone and deleing contacts and apps. I could go into so much detail about how he threatened me with being hot.

"I understand sir I will bring her to her room now." I walked out of the room and towards the bathroom that was connected to his room. I knock on the door and announce my presence.

"a-Anthony!? Is that you? "She spoke stuttering a bit as if trying to acknowledge what is going on.

"Yes, it's me ana. Are you dressed? If so, will you come outside so I can talk to you." I spoke making my facial expression slightly gentler so that way she will feel safe with me and won't try to escape when I am by her side.

"Give me one second I will be out in a second."

"Okay then."

I walk over to his bed and grab his right pillow seeing how his scent is all through the home. I find it funny how he has a pathway from the Casino and his house. I like to think I am staying at his house because we are best friends and not because he has kidnapped his ex. Though I guess putting it either way he is 26 and I'm 24 and we met 14 years ago, and I fought out he was possessive and controlling when I was 12. But I need to focus on the fact that ana needs someone she can relied on and not somebody who will report back to jeose about who ,where,when,and why she talked to someone.

"Sorry I took so long "she said apologetically

"it's fine come have a seat. "I patted the spot next to me

She stood there glaring the seat with her sliver eyes "I think I will just-" and down her body came I rushed over to her

"Ana are you alright?" I examined her facial expression. God did I hate reading facial expressions I can't ever figure them out.

"I'm fine can you carry me to my room since I don't believe I can walk there?" She said with her eyes were close to shedding tears I couldn't stand to see the sweet girl who had been so kind to help me try and move on. She knew I liked him, and she was so willing to help me get with him and if she couldn't help me with that, she told me to download tinder. "Yea I can come on." I took her to her room and told her where the phone was. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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