Don't you dare

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It was such a nice sunny day and Lovertation decided to spend it out. They wanted to go first to the mall and then later to a restaurant where they wanted to have dinner (it's gonna be hot at the end, you'll see why)

Rep-Love are you ready
Lover-Yesss let's go
Rep-You're gorgeous I can't even
Lover-Sshh you'll but later
Rep-Oh it's already torture

The mall wasn't that far from their house ,but they still needed like 13 mins to get there

Lover-As we're already shopping sm today I'll let you decide what you want first
Rep- Hmmm (smirkin)
Rep- I told you it's already torture
Lover-Reppy c'mon (whispers- we'll enjoy later tonight for sure)
Rep-Mmmm alright let's go there first
Rep-We're so gonna have that
Lover-I agreeee
Rep-Come here, do you like these shorts
Lover-Mhm absolutely
Rep-I'm getting you that
Lover-I'm gonna find sth for you too then come
Rep-UUUU what's that
Lover-Do you like this hot combination
Rep-U yeah
Lover-Great I'm getting you that
Rep-Do you wanna see sth more or we're done here
Lover-Ummm I think we're done, yeah
Rep-Let's go pay
Lover-I told you
Rep-Ssshh you're paying this(hot combination )and I'm paying yours (2 sparkly dresses and shorts)okay

Second shop
Lover-OMG come here
Rep-THIS looks like Mid AHAHAHA
Lover-OMG we could get her that she'd absolutely love this and also anything from lavander
Rep-Sure but we should get sth for 1989 too
Lover-O right okay you Mid me 1989 good

Time passing
Lover-Baby did you find sth
Lover-OMG she's gonna love this sm fr(Midnight blue sparkly shirt and Lavander body losion)
Rep-Uuuu yeah that's exactly for 1989(New York things) you really guessed perfectly
Lover-Next time we're hanging out we're gonna give them this
Rep- Yeah, I immediately said that's literally for Mid when I saw the shirt
Rep- Alright wanna see sth more
Lover- As I was finding things for 1989 I didn't find anything for me here,you
Rep- Same , then we can go , do you wanna pay for 1989 and me for Mid
Lover- Sure

Time was passing fast. They were shopping 2 hours more (clothes, sweets, chocolate, drinks...) Now it was time for dinner

Lover- Aaaaahh I'm kinda hungry now we were shopping almost 4 hours(laughs)
Rep- Yeah and we didn't even eat sth much before it well
Lover- We're gonna have now sth delicious
Rep- Can't wait
Lover- I see you
Rep- Okay okay I'm waiting (laughs)
Lover- I fucking love you sm you're such a dirty hottie
Rep- Ik ilyt love ( kisses her )

They finally came to a restaurant and ordered sth delicious( idk what to write which food AHAHAHA). Everything's perfect until 1 moment

Rep- M baby this is so good, I don't wanna leave you but I really have to go the bathroom just wait me here okay I'll be fast
Lover- Mmhhh pee fast
Rep- (laughs) sure

As Rep's in the bathroom, someone comes up to Lover telling her how she knows her and can she give her her number , flirting with her not knowing that Lover has mad hottie when it comes to BB. But for a few mins Rep comes back and sees the situation

Rep- Who t f are you to talk with my gf like that huh
Lover- She was making me uncomfortable telling me she knows me and can I give her my number
The girl- OMG I'm sorry I didn't know she was taken
Rep- Don't OMG I didn't know, ik perfectly these kind of the girls which are just waiting that her gf leaves her girl alone and then you go try to win sth
Don't you dare, now fuck off she's mine you clearly saw that you don't have absolutely nothing to do here anymore
Lover- Baby you're gonna cause the scene, calm down
Rep- I can't believe this shit
Lover- Come on I'm alright I didn't give her anything,when I wanted to tell her that I really dk her and that I have you, you already came
Rep- UUUHH she immediately got on my nerves , c'mon finish eating in peace now an then we'll go home
Lover- I get you baby , I'm only yours and I'm really lucky to have you as my gf ,look at you being this protective and fucking everyone off I love it sm at you! People are scared to even look at you
Rep- You're my baby I'm not gonna give you to anyone else, c'mon we're going home I can't be here anymore (walking towards the car holding hands)

This made Rep really mad ofc, she couldn't be there anymore , she didn't want to see that girl nor any other view from there so they went to home. And nowww is getting hot and kinda cute 🥰

Lover- Let's go shower love, it's gonna relax you and then we'll go to bed it's about to be 22
Rep- I agree
Lover- Let me wash you
Rep- Oh baby you have absolutely no idea how mad she made me like how she even dares to do that to you aaahh that bitch
Lover- Okay calm down ,relax , fuck her
You're now with me in the shower , I'm washing you , don't think about her ,forget that bitch

Rep kisses her sm and hugs her tight telling her cute things. When they end with showering, they're going straight to the bed to have some cute and hot time

Lover- Come my hottie
Rep(crawls in her and wraps herself around her waist with her hands , burying herself in her neck)
Lover (cuddles her)
Rep- You're my baby, you're mine (starts kissin her neck and lips)
Lover- Mmmm yours

They now undress each other,keep making out and love for like 1 and half hour. After that they continue to cuddle and whisper cute things, falling asleep

NOTE- HOW THAT GIRL EVEN DARES TO COME TO LOVER?! AAAAH nothing worse than waking up on a Saturday at 6:13 am? Maybe it could be sth even worse but okay 13 ofc great aaahh I had sth in school of 9-10 so I had to wake up like that cuz the bus schedule on the weekends is lil fucked up and if I go on the one later I'd be late yeah. And now I wrote this cuz I told you you'll get every week Friday/ Saturday new part. I hope ur enjoying cuz they're the cutest ❤️

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