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'*sigh* it has been a few weeks now how can they keep getting out of my grasp? Where could they be?' Then I heard some of the merchants

"Have you heard of "Caged Night"?"

"No... Should I?"

"YA they have the best shows that you can find and if you go to the right show you might be lucky and be able to get a new "worker" I have heard of some getting four fit for work ones"

'Humans, feel like they are the pinnacle of all species yet cage their own kind and start wars because of stupid things.' *sigh* 'they are worse than the very beast they call monsters' then I heard some others merchants join in the conversation.

"It sucks that they have you place a bet on who will win, it sucks on so much money out of me!!"

"Ya the lowest they let you bet with is 5 copper, where can we get 5 copper in this time and age!"

'Cage fights, Fucking cage fights. Why do they do this' *sigh* 'When I get them they WILL pay for what they have done, it's the least I can do for "her". I need to'

"Do you know where their next show is" at least I can use them to help me.

"Ya it's going to be at-"

(POV change to 3rd with William)

William is in a forest with his "stick" that he was swinging and trying not to hi*thwack*...t but he isn't the best with that

"WHY Do trees appear when I swing, it doesn't feel nice to hit things "*pout*

William sits down and glares at the tree for appearing then he notices a worn bow in the tree. "That looks like granny's!"

Then he got up and ran to the tree, but he was short and the bow was a bit too high up but that wasn't going to stop him from getting the bow. So William starts climbing the tree with his small limbs.

"Haha, got it" William then falls off the tree and onto a pile of leaves unharmed. Then he starts to run to Granny to hand her the bow he found but when he sees Granny's house he notices three people in front walking away when one turns around and says something to Granny who is now at the porch and says something back to them when they are gone William walks to Granny forgetting the bow near a tree.

When William gets there he asked Granny who her friends are and all he got was "They just needed to talk business with me, that is all dear, now who is hungry?"

(POV ???)

The campfire helped hold off the cold wind but I still felt that chill go down my spine when I thought about "Caged Night" and what they are doing... what they have done...

"When I find them they will wish they died before I ever heard of them."

"After tomorrow it's one more night it is time for the "show" and I will make it the last one they have."

(POV William)

"W-k- -p W-l—am." someone starts to shake me

"No, I want to sleep more" I snuggle into my blanket more, it's comfy but they keep shaking me

"No, -et u- now -t's d—" I start to hear more of the person shaking me and it sounds like Granny

"Do I need to Granny?" My blanket is so comfy and warm I don't want to move.

"Yes, I have something I need you to do."

"Do I need to do it now?" Blanket is nice

"Yes," Granny said in a tone I have heard but never from her, anger, anger at me. I don't like it

"... I didn't mean to sound angry but you need to get up now"

(Time skip 1 hour)

I was outside getting the stuff Granny wanted but something didn't feel good or should I say right? anyway, something was wrong when Granny got mad, it felt like she would hurt me. she wouldn't right... right?

I continued walking to grad the stuff Granny wanted me to get and when I was walking I bumped into someone and when I looked at who I hit on accident and I couldn't take my eyes off them. Their blonde hair glowed with the radiance of the sun. They were a bit taller then me and had training knight armor, but I stopped looking at them and quickly said I was sorry for bumping into them

"It's not your fault I should have noticed that we were about to bump into each other."

"No no it's my fault I should have seen you coming this way and moved" I can't let them think that it's their fault, it's wrong. "What about we just say we are both at fault, ok?"

*sigh* "ok, but still I am sorry." I raised my hand for a handshake. "Ok, I am also sorry about this" they said as they grasp my hand

With that we both go our separate ways yet I couldn't get their face out of my head. Why is my face hot?


(Should I do QnA's for each chapter?)

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