Prologue. "Enter the night."

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I crawl sternwards, away from the tree trunk that hid my ebbing body. The abrasion in my stomach, had blood flowing out of it. It wouldn't be soon before I joined my comrades. I just needed to grovel away from the battlefield, to get away before the enemy combatants consumed my flesh. I had seen it first hand and it was absolutely gut-renching, the thought of being consumed by humans alone made my insides twirl with disgust and fear. Of any kingdom to fuck with, why this one? They didn't die, not even after an arrow to the cranium. Their king just has to be a necromancer, he has to, because no enemy I have ever fought can withstand a slash to the stomach and still fight. That wasn't even the worst part.. the land wasn't charred before we got here, no, not at all. It was seared by a dragon. A dragon, the fire breathing reptile that was eradicated from the globe. I was lucky I didn't get munched on by it, because It was huge...

I had only inched a couple of meters from the tree before I heard a sickening crunch, then a white hot flash of throbbing pain spread from my ankle to my head. I turn ever so slowly as I feel something wet and squishy fall on me. Brains...
Brain that dripped from the skull of a living yet unliving soldier."Please.." I croak to the rotting figure looming over me. "All hail king Grimshire..." They rasp before lifting their foot and caving my head in with a stomp.

The war was won by the Monarch Shadows. The dark and Gothic kingdom, known for their hostility and fashion.. we can't forget..
                          Their appetite.

The sovereign state doesn't have any churches, because most of the citizens would much rather praise their king or Satan. Lots of rumors have spread about the king being a sorcerer, but of course those people were silenced (brutally killed in front of the public) and the whispers about it were shut down, especially the ones about dragons still existing..

                  Do you hunger for more?
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