Chapter three: "Hunting."

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I try to shroud my body from him, squeeze small enough so I actually fit behind the undergrowth. It was too late though, as he stood, bulking over me. I gulp, hopefully he doesn't say anything about how I was watching him, because if he does ill just tell him I just hid..
"You." He stated, putting his hand on the pommel of his sword. "M-me..?" The conversations felt a little aggressive and cumbersome. I stand up and Grimshire gripped my wrist tightly, streeling me over to the clearing and his horse, it was a albino shire horse. I look down a little, just to see what gender it was, quickly. Definitely a male, he was one of the most stunning horses I have ever seen, and I kinda felt envious. I also wanted that horse but let's get back on track.

The king drew his bow and gave me a 'do you know how to work this' look. I give a kurt nod, wanting to make a good impression. I did really know how, just probably not that good at it. "Yeah.." I said nonchalantly, even though my heart was racing, the king acknowledged me with a grunt, placing the bow in my hand. " you want me to hunt for you..?" I ask, grabbing the quiver that he handed to me too. He nodded, and pointed to the right where it was pretty clustered with trees, but if you looked hard enough you could see another body of water and a fox drinking from it. "T-the fox? Is that what you want me to poach?" Grimshire nodded and after I didn't move he rolled his eyes and motioned to the fox. "Go crouch and get it.." there was obvious annoyance in his voice because of my slowness. "Right.." my ears heat up in embarrassment, and I really hope the kind didn't see it.

I hunker down, trying not to startle the cur. I waddle close enough to the fox, raising the bow and straightening my shoulders, pulling out an arrow and drawing back. I close an eye, focusing on the fox, now that I was closer I could see exactly how beautiful it was, a simple wood fox, but a astounding one at that. I would make sure to use most of the fox parts, for it would be horrid to just skin it and take its meat. I release my grip on the arrow, striking the fox on the space between its ribs, the fox yelped in pain, a awful sound that seemed to scratch your eardrums, as if trying to claw your brains out for revenge of your deed. I sigh, sprinting over and saying a simple and silent prayer to the fox, running my hand through it's coat to calm it as it passed. I wiggle the arrow out of its rips and put the bow on my back before picking the fox up and starting to trod back to where the king was, once I reached the clearing again I was met with nothing. He wasn't there anymore.

As I reach home, taking a small notice at all the strange stares I was getting on the way back, I lay the fox on my table, taking a second to look at it. It was a she, I now realize, and hope that she didn't have cubs or a mate. I rummage through my bedside table, getting my hunting knife out, to skin the she-fox.

The sound of the foxes flesh tearing from me skinning her was oddly satisfying, morbid, but still satisfying. I managed to take her pelt off without damaging it, so I began to cut and wrap some of the meat on her. I wanted to keep most of the meat, but I didn't have anything to store it, or keep it fresh, so I'd give it to the king. My heart raced at the thought of offering him something, because I'd have to talk to him and possibly our hands would touch as I give it to him. I realized how desperate that thought was and shook my head.

It was hard to keep convincing myself that it was just a crush. But it had to be, it was the only logical explanation, because love at first sight isn't real.. I sigh and finish wrapping the rest of the meat after rubbing salt on it to preserve it, just for a little while until I come back.

Guys, I think Im eating with this story, so stay tuned. It might get a lil spicy in next chapter 😊

773 words. ♡

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