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ughhh we have a Winnipeg trip for school it doesn't sound very fun but anything can happen to make it awesome. The bus was pretty cool it was a coach bus it had a WASHROOM 😆 but the the most fun part about the bus ride was hanging out with my best friend "JACOB"! I showed him a pretty awesome game on my iPad "INFINITY BLADE 2" we dedicated the whole bus ride to get a full set of armour the armour was car board armour it was surprisingly LEGEND WAIT FOR IT DARY but it was nothing compared to the sword we got "THE PAPER CUT" basically it was a rolled up piece of news paper pretty "EPIC" get it I said epic like my YouTube channel name "K&D EPICNESS" oh yah I didn't tell you about my YouTube channel. What it is about is it is me recording a game called Knights & Dragons. That's why my name is "K&D" EPICNESS. "EPICNESS" for epic armours that I fuse in the video game. Well back to my trip. Me and Jacob realized the game has no blood, none what so ever even tho all you do in the game is "BLOCK, DODGE, STAB" so it was crazy when we saw no blood "BRANDON SEE THERE IS NO BLOOD" "I believed you Jacob" "well there is prof Brandon" "HEY FRIEND" "HEY FRIEND" that was Eva whenever we see each other we say HEY FRIEND. We saw her walk past us and go to the wash room where the bouncer said "Hello welcome to club portapotty the dance floor is currently un occupied go right in" "Good job Aaron" I said "thanks" we both laughed. Aaron pulled out his nintendo and started playing "GRAND THEFT AUTO" "woah which one is that" said Jacob "china town" said Aaron "Cool can I play" said Jacob "No no no" said Aaron "awww" said Jacob. I pulled out a bag of Doritos roulette "wanna play" I said "nah" Jacob said "ILL PLAY" said Shawn "nah only if your sitting next to me. Oh Brett you wanna chip" I said (Brett was siting next to Shawn) "shure" brett said I passed him a chip "by the way I only give to people in my row". "Cmon Brett switch me seats" they switched seats "hey brett want another chip" I said "shure" brett Said. When I passed him the chip Shawn took it out of my hands and ate it.

finally we arrived in Winnipeg are first stop was fort whyte and yes that is how you spell it I didn't get put in a group with my friends though except "Nick" the most annoying being on earth and I was his partner ughhhhh. "Hey brandon" said Nick "ughhh" I mumbled "haha" he said "why do you have to torture me" I said "well we should hang out where in the Same room" Nick said "WHAT!" I yelled "where you not listening on the bus?" Nick said "no I was listening, listening to my music" I said "well now your stuck with me" Nick said. The teacher put us two together for the assignment we went on the dock the teacher told us to grab the bucket sweep away the duck moss stuff in the water or what ever it is called "you get the bucket job and I will use the net to catch bugs" Nick said "why do you get to start?!" I said " just deal with it" Nick said. So I swept away the stuff and he swept in the bugs his first try he got a red worm thing I called it a satan worm. And then it was my turn and I got the catch of the day I got a .................. WOLF SPIDER it was cool and apparently didin't know how to climb but still really cool. If kassy was there she would of freaked out. Oh yah Kassy is a girl who is really really scared of spiders. And once we moved on from that activity we went to a tree thing where we had to pick a tree and find out what kinda tree it was by being gave hints and stuff like that and once again my partner was "NICK" I did all the work and he sat back we got a tree that at first we thought was birch bark but it generated a powder which worked as sun screen I remembered what that was but not the name of the tree weird. After that we went off to catch some flying insects I caught a dragon fly it was pretty fun a lot more fun then I thought. We went back to main place and we got to see some animal skins and prayey dogs and fish I was determine to find a sturgeon but I didin't. Then we went back to the bus and sat next to Jacob again to the museum of man and nature as soon as we got there it looked cool you could rent a star how cool would it be to have a star well of course renting it. Then we went into a room where we learned about electricity we did something really cool with magnets and she had a pickle and turned it into a light but what was Really cool is that she had these two pole things that would connect electricity or something and you could see it. And then we went into a room made out of mirrors it was hard finding your way in and out. We went back to the bus and went to them hotel I found out it was me Jacob and Eric and mr. annoying "NICK" we where given are room key and went to are hotel room. As soon as we got up there I plugged in my iPad to charge it. We went back down to get some snacks and when we got back to the room I looked out the window and saw a awesome porches! So after that we just talked for a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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