Home sweet home... more or less.

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Sith had no idea what she was doing, following six complete strangers into the woods.

The group had spent the rest of the morning packing and getting ready for whatever Equinix was planning.
She had changed out of her weird human clothes and was dressed with her khaki robes, her sword belt and a white shirt. She had tied up her hair so that it wouldn't get in her face, though that hadn't helped much given the fact that the closer they got to the pedestal the more the weather kept changing.
Seconds ago she would have swore that it was negative twenty degrees Celsius and that there was snow all around her but now she was sweating because of the heat.

In the distance Sith could see the silhouette of the pedestal. She wondered how much longer it would take them before they arrived.
Nydra had been leading the group towards it. Apparently she remembered how to get there. Sith didn't know what it was but something about that girl sent shivers down her spine. She just radiated this kind of power and something told Sith that it wasn't the good kind.

Nydra's undone hair lifted because of the now windy environment, she too had changed into a fresh pair of clothes. A dark cotton shirt, long droopy sleeves,some sort of corset to pull it all together, golden shoulder pads, a singular armlet, a belt to hold her quiver, high boots and grayish pants.
Nydra had her bow out and ready in case of an emergency, clearly the shade attack had gotten to her too.

Sith had been told stories about Orenati and his shades as a child, they still scared her to this day. Those beings couldn't feel a thing. Who would ever want that, Sith told herself.

Anyways, Nydra didn't seem to be the only one who was ready for battle, everyone had a weapon at hand and seemed ready to use it. Especially Equinix.
Every time a branch cracked or they heard an animal passing by Equinix would quickly turn towards whatever it was that had made a sound and would take out his sword.
Equinix too freaked Sith out a bit, but not in the same way that Nydra did. She knew that he could read minds and that's what made her uncomfortable. But overall he seemed kind, brave and was pretty cu-
"Thanks for the compliment." He said smirking, as he approached her.
"Don't flatter yourself." She replied, shoving him playfully.
"Hey love birds! We're he-eeeeere!" Ashe screamed in a sing-song voice

In front of the group lay the pedestal that they had encountered the night before, seven columns, seven gems, seven of them.
Sith walked up the pedestal to join Nydra and Ashe at the top, the others followed.
"Everyone, touch the gem representing your element." Nydra commanded
"About that, isn't there a little problem?" Avis said pointing towards the last column on the right. "None of us are from Geopus."

Geopus, the kingdom of earth, rocks, mountains, ground.
As the eldest Sith had had to meet the kings and queens of every kingdom in the past. All of them were or had been married and had kids except for one. Geopus's queen had never been married and wasn't a mother either. If she did have a kid, he or she would have been here with Sith and the others.
That wasn't the case.
Sith had figured out last night what this pedestal really was, if she was right, it would take someone from every kingdom to make this plan work.

"Ways to other worlds" Nydra said looking down "If we are right, then this very pedestal is a portal that leads back to Elementrum. It also seems to be the only one that exists in this world."
There was a short pause and then she continued.
"Our parents brought us here separately which means that they used only their magic to make this thing work."
"Well then why are we all touching these magic gems?" Elec asked
"Our parents only had one destination to choose from." Nydra answered
Sith understood all of a sudden,
"Nydra thinks that there's a portal like this one in every kingdom" Sith explained "Those portals could only get you from Elementrum to here. The one we're standing on, on the other hand, can lead us back to any of the kingdoms. We can choose where we want to go but when our parents used their portals they could only use it to go to the human world."
Everyone looked at both Sith and Nydra blankly.
"To sum it up, our parents used one way portals to get us here, so it took them less energy to power them, but we can choose where we want to go. So, since there are many destinations to choose from, our portal needs more power to function."
"More power, but not as much as some from all seven kingdoms?" Avis asked.
"Yeah, we should survive without Geopus's magic." Ashe said half-aware of what was going on.
"So is everyone ready? Equinix asked

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