Alyssa's one and only - Part 1

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-Warning: the following story takes place before the events of the videogame "The benefits of rationality". Possible spoilers ahead.

Syracuse, State of New York, 21th April, 4008

It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was shining bright on the walls and windows of Sheriff High School. On that day, however, another star was shining more: Alyssa Shapiro. Or rather, a way younger Alyssa, an 18-year-old Alyssa to be precise, who was already 1.83m tall but weighed much less, around 62kg, on a thin line between being underweight and normal weight. She had yet to enter the Dreamcatcher and she had no idea she would have become an exploration squad commander in the future. But she knew one thing: she would have been part of that administration soon. As a matter of fact, along with Arlinda, she had passed the application test to study under the Dreamcatcher's wing. One last thing she would have had to overcome were the year's final exams, something which was already scripted for a brilliant student like her anyhow. The results showing her success had come out recently, Alyssa was particularly happy. She felt like the ruler of the school, as if the world was in her hands. She was sitting cross-legged on her usual seat during break time, resting her left arm on her desk and wearing a smug smile on her face, one she would have wore for years from that time on, as she faced a group of girls arguing with her.

"How can you say that, Alyssa?! You're a girl too!" A classmate of Alyssa yelled at her, leaning her torso closer to her. Alyssa didn't flinch and kept her smug smile. Mentioning the name of such classmate is not worth it. Alyssa couldn't stand any of her classmates anyhow due to them being completely unaware of the people they were: most of them wanted to study medicine not because they were driven by a noble emotion, but because they were driven by greed. A desire which could not be backed up by their skills, given they all hated biology. Others actually had the passion, but that was all they had: they were a complete mess in every other subject and had no physical prowess worthy of mention. They could probably achieve their dreams, but they would have never achieved Alyssa's respect, as they would have never become more of what they already were. And yes, my dear reader, even in the future, medicine is still the most coveted field of study and the one which gives more security in the working field. And it'll always be until the world ends.

"Deal with it, honey. This isn't even a debate. A man's... manhood is much more delicate than a woman's womanhood. They literally have organs which should be inside sticking out. And they aren't organs like the liver who have no nociceptors whatsoever, they're full of them, making them extremely sensitive. They're even connected to the stomach as if it weren't enough." Alyssa replied at the yell of her classmate with a calm face and a bit of impudence. The debate went on for the whole break despite Alyssa's answers. On the other side of the class, where the sun didn't shine, a group of male students was sitting around a desk.

"You got a girlfriend now?"

"Yup, everything went smoothly in the end."

"So I guess only Mark's left now." Everyone smirked at Mark as to make fun of him. Mark was one of the few students Alyssa disdained a bit less. He was a boxer too with roughly the same experience. That got him points. But he also was one of those who believed studying wouldn't bring anything in the future, so what was his plan? Sticking to economy of course. And not as in studying its principles in an university, more like joining a group of failures who'd do anything to never touch a book and take the so called "shortcuts" that are often shown by influencers on social medias. Yup, my dear reader, just like medicine, this kind of nonsense will exist in the future and possibly until the end of the world. Mark replied:

"As if."

"Right, you'd rather speak Chinese."

"Bite me. Chinese would actually be useful though, given Chinese entrepreneurs are the best in the world. I could work with them and become rich." He said. Then, the group overheard Alyssa's debate. A member of the group placed his left elbow on the desk and rested his head on the palm of his hand. He said:

"Say, Mark... how about Alyssa?" Mark quickly turned towards him, replying:

"You're shitting me. That girl is impossible." Then another guy broke in:

"Why wouldn't it work? You like tall girls. You both like punching stuff. And you have a motorbike, she loves those." Mark replied once again:

"I said no. It's Alyssa. This is an impossible task." Then, finally, another member of the group said the magic words, the ones which would make any man do even the most horrible crime against humanity. The declaration of a challenge. Words so motivating they could drive someone to withstand Hercules' 12 labors. Not only that, such motivation would bring an enormous amount of strength and will to an individual to the point he would say "Piece of cake" after getting a double graduation in one go:

"No balls." It took an instant for Mark to reply:

"Bet's on."  

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