Chapter 3

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We were all hanging out.Drama and Mayfire had a lot in common. Then something slipped out hee mouth that I don't think was supposed to.
"I am gay," she said looking down. I went over to her and hugged her so tight.
"How long have you been keeping this in?" I questioned. I wanted to know.
"I felt something when I was dating Clide. I pushed it into the back of my mind. We broke up and the feeling grew stronger. I grew attracted to this girl at school. Her name is Dylan. I want to ask her. She is so pretty,"I didn't judge her at all! Though I am scared. Our dad hates gays. That is why Zak and Justin aren't aloud at my house. If he finds out a hard beating will come her way.
"Oh my God! I have her number!" Drama said.
"You do!?" Mayfire asked excitedly.
"Yeah! We hung out in 2 period. She is really cool and sweet. Do want me to ask her for you?" Mayfire thought about it for a while.
"Yes! I really really do! I hope she says yes!"I pulled Mayfire into a tight hug.
"Anyone who turns down a girl as beautiful as you is stupid," I took her as we wait for a reply. I could tell she was nervous by her heartbeat. It was going super fast.
"WE HAVE A REPLY!" Drama yells. Mayfire stiffened.
"She said exactly this 'OMG!!Yes I will totally be Mayfire's GF!' Mayfire! You have a girlfriend!" Mayfire's smile grew wider and wider! Everyone came to hug her.
"I invited her over by the way," Drama said. Mayfire grew worried her eyes grew wide.
"She what!? I have to get ready. My hair is a mess. My clothes are baggy. I have n-" I cut her off before she could go any farther.
"Mayfire I am sure Drama can help you?" I said in a question tone of voice while looking at Drama. Damn she is pretty.
"Of course! C'mon!" Drama said pulling her into the bathroom.
Zak started fanboying saying 'yay another gay person' or something of the sort.
"I never thought Mayfire would be gay. But I will do anything for that broken girl. She needs someone in her life. Boy or girl I don't care," a pair of arm wrapped around my waist and hugged me tight.
"Thank you bubby. I love you," I turned her around and hugged her like that and kisses her forehead.
"I love you to Mayflame," I used her nickname I gave her as a kid.
"Haven't heard that one in a while," she punched my shoulder right when Dylan walked in. Mayfire started blushing and walked over to her.
Dylan hugged her and kissed her cheek. They were talking when Justin whistled. Mayfire flipped him off and he backed away with his arms up. Mayfire walked over to me and whispered," I-I can't go home," she cried in to my chest.
"Where is this coming from?" I asked a little bit mad.
She showed me her phone still crying. Dylan came over to comfort Her with Drama.
::::Get your slutty ass home. If you aren't home in the next 10 minutes you won't expect what's coming. I want you faggot of a brother here too. He needs a lesson.xoxo dad.::::
I almost threw her phone. Across the room I was so mad. She doesn't deserve this. We can't go home. She can't. Mayfire is to younge for this Shit.
"She can stay at my place. I don't think my mom would mind of she knew what was happening. But I don't know about you," Dylan said still hugging Mayfire.
"You can stay at my place bro. My parents love you. And I just asked. They said yes," Justin said. I don't know about This. I really want to be with Mayfire incase some thing does happen.
"I want to stay with bubby!" she yelled.
"Let me ask my mom if you can stay to. I sure you can. I have a five bedroom house. You each can have one," Justin said again. He got a reply from his mom.
"She said of course you can and when are we going home?" haven't really thought about it.
"Whenever I don't really care," I said. Mayfire and Dylan are looking into each others eyes. Mayfire put HER hand up to her cheek and caressed it softly. She kissed her nose. They are so cute together.


We were watching a movie in the theater room. Dylan was in Mayfire's lap. Zak and Justin were probably making out in a room somewhere. And me and Drama were holding hands. I have no Idea when it happened but I feel nonstop tingles.
Justin came back into the room and told me and Mayfire that we had to go. Mayfire kissed Dylan goodbye and I kissed Drama's forehead goodbye.
We dropped Zak off at his house and went to our New home I guess. He parked the car (which was a black and orange 2013 mustang) and led us In the huge house.
"Hello you must me Mayfire! I am Scarlet or Scar. And I already know that dick over there," Scar said with a wink. I have always found Her as my other mother. And Justin's dad as my real dad. She always teased me like this but never meant it.
"Mayfire you can follow me to your room. And Justin can show you to your room," Scar said as she lead May to her room.
Justin put me in my room and came in with me. He brought me in for a brotherly hug. I, the man I am, started crying. I loved this guy like a brother So I let it all out.
I wiped away the tears and he left. I went into Mayfire's room to find her sleeping. I kisses her good night and left to sleep a night filled of nightmares of my father.

Sorry this chapter is so long. Ideas kept flowing into my mind.
Drama and Jaxson will get more into it. I just wanted to get some Shit out of my way. Dylan And Mayfire are going to be a couple in this book that show up a lot. And Zak and Justin are not very big characters in the book. Well Justin is. Ugh idk.

The picture is of Mayfire.

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