\\ Stay Strong //

101 7 0

PoV: Sonic

It was yet another battle with Eggman, and this time it was bad. Bad as in needing more help. I was already exhausted, and wasn't sure if I could still finish the fight. I was covered in scratches and was bleeding all over. It hurt like Chaos, but I knew that it would suck to let Eggman win. I wasn't going to give up!

Just before I was going to strike the robot, Shadow jumps into the fight and knocks the robot over. Surprisingly, the robot didn't move after the impact. Shadow huffs, glaring at the remains of the robot. Eggman gasps before quickly flying off into the distance.

"This isn't over, you blue rodent!" He calls, though his voice could barely be heard.

I dropped to my knees, panting. Shadow walks over to me with a grin.

"Thanks, Shad. I really needed that." I say, slumping up against a rock that was behind me.

"No kidding. You don't look that well either." Shadow chuckles, crossing his arms.

I roll my eyes. "Now's not the time for insults, Shadow." I grumble, lowering my ears grumpily.

Shadow sits down next to me to my left, fidgeting with his inhibitor rings. "You okay?" He asks, and I sigh, looking at the darkening sky.

"Yeah. I think so." I croak, before starting to suddenly cough. "Coughing's not a good sign..." I mumble before suddenly coughing up a little blood onto the grass to my right.

"Sonic!" Shadow gasps, scooting over to me.

"I'm fine, really. Just need rest." I chuckle weakly, but Shadow narrows his eyes in disbelief.

"No, you need help." Shadow growls firmly, and I flick an ear.

"Since when have you been so caring?" I chuckle, and Shadow bares his teeth.

"Since now. Let's go." Shadow snarls, standing up.

I heave myself up. Weakly, I walk up to Shadow's side. I look over my shoulder, scanning the area for my friends. Strangely, no one was there. I squint my eyes in confusion, and turn my head back around, only to bump my nose on a tree trunk.

"Ow! Stupid tree..." I grumble, rubbing my nose as I catch up to Shadow again.

My whole body was aching. Where is he leading me?

"Learn to focus. That's what I always tell you." Shadow says, looking at me with a glare.

I lower my ears, holding an arm from pain. I wince, not being able to take it anymore.

"Shadow... can we..." I groan, now grunting with every step that I took.

"Here." Shadow simply says, and I stop in my tracks.

He picks me up bridal-style, and I smile weakly in gratitude. He looks back at me, unusually smiling back at me before looking ahead and walking further.

"Why don't you use the Chaos emerald?" I ask, and he turns to me.

"I left it at home." Shadow replies, and I flick an ear in confusion as to why he would do that. It's none of my business anyway... I think to myself as I black out.

*     *     *

I wake up with a groan as I rub my forehead. I was in a bedroom, on the bed, but not on mine. I was covered in bandages, I noticed as I looked around in confusion, then it came to me- Shadow! The door creaks open, and I blink at the light that came from outside the room I was currently in.

"You're finally awake, I see." Shadow says, walking over to the side of the bed.

"Yeah." I say, scooting to the edge of the bed to hop off.

Shadow places a hand in front of my chest. "What are you doing?" He asks, tilting his head.

I tilt my head back at him. "Leaving? What else?" I ask back with a shrug.

"Why?" He persists.

"I mean nothing to you, that's why. I don't even understand why you did this for me." I reply, looking at my newly wrapped bandages.

"You matter, Sonic. Whether it is that I'm your rival or not." He says, standing his ground.


"Save it, Faker. You're staying the night here whether you like it or not." Shadow interrupts, and I lay on my back in the bed as he said. It's not like I could fight my way out of this. Not in this state. 

Shadow closes the door and walks over the the other side of the bed, getting under the blanket after taking off his shoes. He pulls the blanket over us, facing me as he rests the side of his head on the pillow. I smile at him gratefully.

"Again, thank you. I owe you big time." I say in gratitude.

"Save your breath. Go to sleep." Shadow says, probably ignoring my comment.

I didn't really mind, and curl my legs closer to myself to make myself warmer. It was pretty chilly since it was autumn. Especially at night. Shadow shifts himself closer to me, pulling me closer to himself. It was comforting, and I press my forehead against his chest, purring with content.

I hear Shadow huff in amusement as he stroked my quills gently. I nuzzled his chest fur, smiling to myself. I wince when I felt more pain in my right leg when I jerked it a bit too fast. I pin my ears, and Shadow strokes behind them to comfort me. I flick my ears back into place, loosening my muscles.

"Stay strong, Sonic. Stay strong..." Shadow whispers into my ear, and I hug his torso.

I liked when he was so caring. Especially since he never really was. I let my exhaustion take over me as he kept rubbing my back.

"Thanks, Shadow..." I whisper, finally falling asleep...

\\ Stay Strong // || Sonadow one shot ||Where stories live. Discover now