It's Nice to Have a Friend |1|

144 12 2

Warning(s): Swearing, toxic!amber x reader, arguing, & implied anxiety

You were currently napping at your desk, drool dripping down the side of your mouth as your trigonometry teacher drowned on about—something, you couldn't really think right now. You were up until three in the morning preparing for your physics exam. You would be risking your spot on the football team if you got anything that wasn't passing.

So here you were, knocked out in the middle of math, when all of a sudden something smacks the side of your face. It's enough to get your attention, waking you up before you look around with a puzzled expression. You rubbed your eyes before grabbing the folded piece of paper that had hit you.

you drool when you sleep, the note read. You peaked to your left, glancing at the girl who sat one over from you. A smile began to graze your face when you realized who had thrown you the note. You wrote a reply on the corner of the paper before swiftly passing it back to the girl.

When she looked over to you, you were already looking up ahead as if nothing. She read the note; at least i dont watch people while they're sleeping creep. She couldn't help but smirk down at the note, playfully rolling her eyes before ripping off another piece of paper from her notebook to roll into a ball and throw it at you. You narrow your eyes at her but she's imitating a confused look.

Then the sound of your teacher clearing his throat could be heard. "Ahem. Tara and Y/N, is there something you would like to share?"

You and Tara make eye contact before looking back at the teacher.

"No, Mr. Quinn," Tara said before you followed with, "No, sir."

After a second he nodded, "Alright then—as I was saying." He turned back around, continuing the lesson.

When the class was over, Tara walked over as you were packing your things. You could hear her impatience as you did so which caused you to roll your eyes. "You don't have to wait for me," you told her while zipping up your bag.

"And you don't have to be the slowest person alive, but here we are," she countered as you both began to walk out of the classroom.

"Whatever—damn it these halls," you grunt after somebody slams into you. "We're doomed if the school's ever set on fire."

"I don't care what the code or whatever is, if the school's set on fire it's every student for themselves," Tara replies.

"You do know that means right?"

"What?" She knitted her eyebrows, looking up at you as the two of you continued to walk in the school's halls.

"Tiniest people go first," you answer—immediately making Tara shove your arm.

"Shut the fuck up," she laughed, her dimples showing as she lightly shook her head. Tara's hand was still gripping your sleeve, an action that neither of you took notice of. She's been your friend, your best friend, since you were six years old; a bit of physical touch was not uncommon in your friendship, never questioned.

Both of you were now leaning against a vacant wall, and just as she was about to open her mouth to say something else, another arm slipped around your waist, causing Tara to let go of your arm. It didn't take long for this person to practically be clinging off of you—her arm around your waist, the index finger of her other hand hooked in one of your belt loops.

Of course, who else could this person be than none other than your girlfriend; Amber Freeman.

"Oh, hey Tara. Didn't see you," Amber backhandedly greeted without even looking at Tara. Amber had always been passive aggressive towards Tara. The Carpenter couldn't explain it well if you asked her, but ever since they met—seventh grade—it's like she has this vendetta against her. You were having lunch with Tara when Amber met you, and it didn't take long for her to take a liking to you. She had developed a crush on you throughout middle school, it wasn't until the summer before sophomore year that you and her got together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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