Reflections on a School Year's End

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Congratulations to those who persevered,Through battles fought, and challenges cleared,A school year endured, lessons learned,Achievements earned, success brightly burned.

To those who faced the trials with might,Who overcame obstacles and stayed the fight,Your resilience shines, a beacon of light,Congratulations, dear students, on reaching new heights.

But let us also offer a heartfelt cheer,To those who struggled, burdened by fear,Whose problems weighed heavy, hard to bear,Know that you are seen, your struggles sincere.

Life's challenges can be overwhelming, it's true,Sometimes, the weight becomes too much to pursue,We send our thoughts and empathy your way,Cheering you on, even if paths may stray.

For all the battles fought, both won and lost,The resilience shown, no matter the cost,Let's celebrate the strength and tenacity displayed,As we reflect on the school year's end, and the paths we've paved.

Congratulations to the survivors, who stood tall,And to those facing unsolvable problems, recall,You are not alone, together we'll rise,Supporting one another, beneath the same skies.So, let us cheer, with compassion and care,Acknowledging the journeys, each unique and rare,May the lessons learned guide us on our way,As we bid farewell to this school year's fray.

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