Oasis - IX

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"You wish," Mahi breathed, her voice husky as she approached Abhimanyu

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"You wish," Mahi breathed, her voice husky as she approached Abhimanyu. A matching smirk played on his lips, his eyes gleaming with a challenge.

"What brought you here then, if not my undeniable expertise in pleasuring you on bed?" Abhimanyu trailed off, leaving the suggestive implication hanging in the air. Mahi's chuckle died in her throat as her fingers traced a slow, deliberate path across Abhimanyu's chest, the heat of his skin igniting a spark within her.

Abhimanyu reacted instantly, his hand shooting out to capture both of hers. He pressed a searing kiss to her palm, his grin widening as he saw the desire flare in her eyes.

"Or perhaps you just needed a reminder," Abhimanyu murmured, his voice a husky caress against her ear. "Because let's face it, sweetheart, you can't stay away for long."

Mahi took a shaky breath, stepping back from him with a mixture of frustration and desire simmering in her eyes. She ran a hand self-consciously over her rumpled clothes.

A hint of amusement fluttered in Mahi's voice. "I'm here for work, Abhi," she said, her eyes searching his for a reaction.

"Humor me," he replied, his voice a low rumble, amusement dancing at the corner of his lips.

Taking a deep breath, Mahi plunged forward. "I heard you'll do absolutely any job for the right price, is that right?" she asked, her voice firm despite the butterflies in her stomach.

A slow grin spread across Abhimanyu's face. "Ah! So it's business then," he said jokingly, his eyes twinkling. "You're right, I'm not picky as long as the pay is good. But I do have some morals, haven't exactly delved into the criminal underworld yet."

Relief washed over Mahi, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. Finding his response oddly endearing, she shook her head, a smile tugging at the corners of her own mouth.

"Look, Abhi," she began, her voice softening slightly, "I'm not asking you to do anything that will land you in trouble. This evening, I need someone to come with me - it came up last minute, and you were the first person I thought of."

Abhimanyu studied her intently. Mahi's attire screamed wealth, and her request seemed far removed from anything financially motivated. He wasn't a fool - he knew women like her wouldn't usually give someone like him a second glance, let alone seek him out for an evening. Except for that one night, of course. A shadow crossed his eyes briefly, a flicker of a forgotten memory.

He cleared his throat, pushing the memory aside. "Alright, spill it," he said, a hint of challenge in his voice. "Where are we going, and what's the price tag?"

Mahi took a deep breath. "₹50,000," she stated clearly. "But here's the catch - no questions until we get there. I'll explain everything then. It's a good deal, Abhi, and you'll only be needed for a few hours."

Mahi hesitated for a moment, then added cautiously, "Also, I heard Raghu's in prison. Money must be tight for you right now."

Abhimanyu's eyes narrowed slightly. "Looks like someone's been doing their research," he commented, a hint of suspicion lingering in his voice. However, the mention of his financial situation struck a chord. He sighed internally. Maybe this was a good idea after all.

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