Chapter Twenty🥀

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"Oh god Alec

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"Oh god Alec." I said and he stepped closer. "I think there is no god here." Alec spoke, glancing at my face, he stepped even closer and went closer to my ear. "But you can always get down on your knees and pray that I'm a god." He whispered softly in my ear and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I felt my knees give way a little and Alec noticed this because his hands quickly grabbed my hips. A smirk appeared on his face and he looked me in the eyes.

I stared into his eyes and felt the heat rising up my face, I was frozen in place, I just wanted to push him away but I couldn't. What is happening to me? Alec's face was really close to mine, the last time he was this close was in Forks in my room. I felt like my breathing was really heavy and my heart was beating hard. My gaze landed on Alec's lips which looked tempting, I bit my lip a little and Alec noticed this because his eyes met my lips. Stupid teenage hormones.

"Aurora." He breathed out heavily and I hummed a little out loud. "Oh heaven help me." I blinked quickly and saw Alec looking at me with a serious expression. "Yes." I replied clearing my throat and Alec took a step further.

"Jane told me about your encounter with one of the guards, did she touch you?" Alec asked, eyeing my facial expressions and I shook my head. "Good, I want you to not wander the halls alone from now on." He said blankly and I raised an eyebrow. "But..." I started and he interrupted. "No buts, you take Demetri or Felix with you."

"I feel prisoner here." I mumbled out loud and Alec raised his hand, wiping the hair from his eyes. "Don't start that again." He said and I raised my arms to my chest.

"I'll start, I feel like a prisoner if I have to walk with someone all the time." I said staring at Alec who was expressionless.

"You don't understand how dangerous it is for you to walk alone in the castle, there are a lot of vampires here who can kill you in an instant." Alec explained sternly, his voice not sounding friendly.

"Are you going to threaten that woman?" I asked and Alec raised an eyebrow. "Demetri and Felix explained about your gift..." I continued to speak and saw Alec's eyes narrow and his expression darken if that was even possible.

His jaw tightened before he met my eyes again. "What did those two idiots tell you?" He asked in a low voice, like the calm before the storm. I felt my heart start to beat fast.
I'm not scared, at least I think so. Alec is surprisingly calm, which makes this more exciting. As they say, Alec is frighteningly calm, he attacks when you least expect it.
He would never hurt me, right?

"You're afraid of me?" Alec spoke again because he saw how quiet I was, thinking for a long time about the answer. I blinked quickly and Alec stepped closer to me. "I'm not." I answered in a low voice and Alec sighed. "You are. Your face can tell lies but your heart and body gestures reveal you." He spoke and I raised my head, while Alec packed me against the wall. His hands came to either side of my head and he looked me in the eyes with his now almost black eyes.

"Don't ever lie to me again, human." He said almost whispering and I swallowed carefully. "Why are you acting like that?" I asked without thinking and Alec seemed to take it back in surprise. "Yesterday you were nice, fifteen minutes ago and suddenly you are mean."

"Because you're human I can't be with you, you're afraid of me and trying to hide it. You don't want to be a vampire."

"But I said I want to get to know you." I answered him and he glanced at my face. "But you're still scared because those two have been talking." He said and I tried to step closer but Alec took a step back. "I have things to attend to." He said angrily and soon he disappeared.


After Alec disappeared, I sat on the steps of the garden doors, looking ahead. Demetri and Felix were missing so I came alone, despite Alec's words.

"I overheard you and Alec talking earlier." A voice came from behind me and with a start I turned to look as Jane walked closer.

Her expression was also expressionless and her bright red eyes stared at me and I could see her face moving slightly. "I don't like humans and neither does my brother, but you're his mate so I'm going to put up with you." She started, moving her gaze towards the garden.

"Why are you here?" I asked cautiously and Jane looked back. "Because you have to understand that my brother is confused by all of this, this is new to him. We don't trust anyone, especially not humans. Our emotions are strong as vampires, that's why he is like that."

"I understand." I started but Jane interrupted. "You don't understand. You are his mate and you fear him, Felix and Demetri shouldn't have told you anything."Jane said fiercely and I brought my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. "You also have to understand that I'm only human, Cullens told me about you Volturi." I explained and Jane huffed.

"You don't fit in here, maybe you should go back there to Forks, Alec will understand and get over you quickly." Jane said starting to walk away.

I dug my phone out of my pocket and searched for a certain number. I looked at the name for a moment and pressed the call button, after a few rings he answered. "Hey Rory, I thought the fangs ate you already." He joked and I laughed out loud, feeling a small relief in my chest.

Embry is the closest thing to humanity, Bella is also human but she is too attached to Edward and the Cullens. I missed Embry's voice and his jokes.

"Are you okay, what happened?" Embry asked sounding worried and I sighed. "I miss Forks, I miss dad and a normal life." I started to explain and Embry sighed in turn. "Come back, I miss my friend, it's warm in La Push and the beach is beautiful right now." Embry spoke and I smiled a little, feeling a tear fall from my eye.

"I want to come back but every time I think about it I feel a little twinge in my heart but Alec is acting weird and his sister just told me I don't belong here." I explained feeling more tears falling from my eyes.

"Please don't cry, I feel bad because I can't do anything." Embry was talking on the other end and I breathed quickly. "I'm so fucked up Embry." I started and he could already hear how I was crying. "What do you mean?" Embry asked wondering and I sobbed a little. "No one knows because I haven't told... I'm so fucked up and I don't know what to do because Embry I'm..."

I stopped my sentence when someone cleared their throat behind me and Alec stood in the doorway with his arms crossed, staring.

𝘿𝙪𝙨𝙠 𝙏𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝘿𝙖𝙬𝙣 | Alec VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now