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Author : Guys, the photos I had made in this part are not able to be seen for some reason and maybe there is some mistake in this part too, so don't mind.


-At 11 : 20 PM Same day-

Mr Ahamad Raza : Elma ???

Ahamad Raza came back from his work and when he sat down to eat, he called Elma who was in her room

Mr Ahamad Raza : Elma ???

Elma : Yes Abbu, coming!!!

Elma come out of her room while fixing her hijab she saw her perents on the table

Mrs Khadeeja : Elma come fast we are waiting

Elma : yes ammi just coming

She take her seat after washing her hands , and they starting to eat after reciting the dua before eating.....

Mr Ahamad Raza : Elma ?? Beta Today was your first day in office, how was it?

Elma smile while putting her spoon down

Elma : Abbu , I had a very nice and peaceful day today in office

Mr Ahamad Raza : Okay Allah's shukr alhamdulillah, I will pray that all the days of my daughter pass as peacefully as today.

Mr Khadeeja : Ameen Ameen, by the way Elma It's been a long time since I met Jennie You should call her home tomorrow

Elma : okay ammi I'll but on lunch or dinner???

Mrs Khadeeja : I guess lunch is better!!!

Elma : okay I'll invite her on Lunch tomorrow

Mr Ahamad Raza : no not tomorrow!!!

Mrs Khadeeja : but why ???

Mr Ahamad Raza : Why should we only invite Jennie and not Taehyung, that would be wrong, that's why we will invite both of them for lunch on Sunday.

Elma look at Mrs Khadeeja and she shrugged her shoulders and started to eating her food

Elma : Abbu i don't think he will come

Mr Ahamad Raza : Don't say that already, it's wrong.

Elma : but abbu I'm just telling what i think ~

Mr Ahamad Raza : it's not like that, If I go and invite Taehyung by myself, he will definitely come.

Mrs Khadeeja : I don't even know what you saw in Taehyung that you became so crazy about him.

Mr Ahamad Raza : You know Khadeeja that I does not make any mistake in identifying a person, that boy is of quiet nature but he is kind hearted

Elma : Abbu, how can you tell about person's heart or nature by just a meeting.

Mr Ahamad Raza : Just know that I must have seen something in him , i realised one thing that , There is a child under him, a little child who is entrusted with the responsibilities of his house. When Taehyung came here, I saw a lot of hidden things in his eyes.

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