Home - Patreon Exclusive PREVIEW

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This is a PREVIEW of the December Patreon Exclusive Oneshot "Home (Skin Sequel)". It's about half the story. The rest will is available only on Patreon. The link to the fully story will is listed below  if you wish to read it to its entirety.

Patreon Tier 2 Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/home-patreon-103995642



For those that didn't read the full story of Skin on patreon:

So to make a long story short, where the preview left off Jimin and Jungkook mated and Jimin then becomes extremely attached to Jungkook. For hybrids after having sex means you've mated and you stay together. But Jungkook explains he has to go to work and Jimin gets upset. They argue when Jk explains he's like a pet and has to stay home. Eventually they compromise and JK takes Jimin to work with him after covering him up but begins to get irritated after a while that Jimin is suffocating him (around him all the time even takes a shower with him) Jimin decides to go home to give JK space and Elder Jin tells him he's pregnant and to go back to Jungkook and not return to the hybrid world. Jimin and Jk make up and Jimin gives birth to baby yoongi.

                                                    End Recap


Jimin's POV

Yoongi sat there with his head back, ears flat and eyes streaming tears.. It was always hard when Jungkook left. He looked more human than hybrid but he was hybrid in spirit. It was still hard for me to adjust when Jungkook had to go back to work. But having a newborn to look after kept me preoccupied and keeping my son close to my chest and letting him sleep with me helped me cope with my mate leaving day in and day out.

I'd gotten accustomed to a routine as he got older and me and Yoongi had each other when Jungkook was away. But five years later and every morning was the same. Me clinging to Jungkook just a little longer before he leaves for the day and Yoongi crying asking why he had to leave. Hybrids were just not mammals of separation. We thrived on community and touch and togetherness. So we had each other during the days Jungkook had to go to work. But as soon as Jungkook left, like clockwork he sat at the door crying and having a tantrum.

I knelt in front of him and scratched his flattened ears. His little lip poked out and his wet spilling eyes looked at me so wide.

"He'll be back Suga, I promise."

He sniffed and whimpered wiping his wet eyes, "Why does dada have to leave us every time?"

I sighed and rubbed his soft black hair back and smiled.

"It's just the way dada has to take care of us."

He lip quivered and more tears spilled and I picked him up. He wrapped his little legs around my waist and hugged my neck crying still but slowed with little sniffles. I kissed his head and he started quieting as I rubbed his back.

"How about a warm bath hmm?"

He just nodded and I smiled and went to the bathroom and ran some warm water. Yoongi didn't have the community of our world, the sleep piles of all hybrids to comfort him. So shared baths and cuddling was a must for my little one. I didn't want him deprived of touch. It was very important to Hybrids. I took my clothes off and helped Yoongi out of his little outfit. His black tail swung back and forth and I smiled and poured some bubbles in the warm water.

"Put a lot appa." He said getting to his knees splashing the water.

I poured a bunch and he giggled as the bubbles rose high. I picked him up and lowered us into the water. He laid his head on my chest and let his little hands rest on my chest and he pet me.

Home (Skin Sequel) - Jikook | Patreon Exclusive OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now