chapter 19

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Macau pov*

I was very happy cause today me and big were going to say mom and dad about our relationship.

It was around 10 am I went down and saw dad and mom sitting on the couch I went near them and called them

Me: mom ! Dad!

They looked at me and smiled then my mom asked

Mom: what is it son?

Me: well I need to tell u both something.

Big was standing near dad.

Dad: yes say

Me: well me and big are dating.

They both were shocked as they looked at big and me my dad then got angry.

Dad: how dare u date a bodyguard

I always thought my dad was loving nd cool I didn't know this side of him

He stood up and slapped big . I ran and stood in front of big .

Me: why do I not like it

Dad: what do u think people will say

My mom was shocked I started crying.

Me : I hate u

I took big and went out .

Me: don't worry he will agree to us one day.

Big left my hand.

Big : I think we should take a break for while we can't go against ur dad

Me: but

Big: he is right u need someone well known and rich I'm just a bodyguard

I pushed him a little in anger

Me: I fucking love u I don't care if u are a bodyguard or whatever I love u for u ok do u understand

I left and went to Vegas 's room I was crying and then he opened the door I told them everything

Vegas pov*

Me and chay were shocked something is wrong if not dad doesn't act like this. Macau left as I told him to rest me and chay also got ready and we both went down I saw dad and mom talking we both went to them nd greeted

Me: pa I know what happened why did u do that .?

Dad: I don't need to say that to u ok

I was shocked at his behaviour.

Chay: I know I don't deserve to talk to u about this thing but I have been friends with since long time nd I know how much he loves big so please don't separate them.

Dad rubbed temple then said

Dad : I know but I'm scared what if he breaks my son's heart I'm scared u know Macau is born with a poor health so I'm just scared.

Me: I'm sure big will never do anything bad to him

Chay : just give him a chance.

My dad nodded nd we went to macau's room I said him that dad is fine and he becomes happy.

Big's pov*

I was sad I can't stay without Macau I love him so much i was walking when someone hugged me form behind.

Me: Macau what if ur dad comes

Macau: he agreed to our relationship

What I was shocked. I turned to him

Me: really?

Macau : yes

I kissed him and hugged him.

Me: I felt like I lost u

He chuckled and said

Macau: never even if I die I will come as a ghost

I hugged him

Me: don't talk about dying.

No one's pov*

Vegas : well the look happy

Chay: ya they do

They were looking at big and Macau from far.

They hugged each other.


Well this story I wrote for Macau and big maybe the next chapter will be the end and ya guys love you all for supporting me ❤️

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