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Matt's pov

"NIIIIICK COME ON WE HAVE TO GOOOO!" I yelled for him to come downstairs.

Chris was already in the car, and I knew sam and colby were probably already at jakes house.

"OKAYYYY HOLD ON IM GRABING THE CAMERA BC SOME ONE WANTED TO RECORD THE DRIVE THERE," Nick yelled as he was walked down the stairs with the camera, "Ok let's go come on" I told him as I went to the car.

~when there in the car bc I'm lazy😀~

Chris's  pov

"Hi, today we are moving in with jake webber and johnnie guilbert." I said

"Why did you sound so formal?" Nick said,"Today we are moving in. Like no js say today were moving in with jake and johnnie, don’t be so formal," Nick said with a giggle, and Matt laughed.

"Anywho yeah, um, it's like 12am rn, so we are a little late, but yeah, I'm driving there tho," Matt said

"Yeah, no shit dude ur in the driver's seat," I said, and Nick laughed as Matt pulled out of the driveway of our old house.

                    ~time skipp🫠~

Colbys pov

I pulled into the driveway of Jake and Johnnie's house, and then I saw sam sleeping in the passenger seat. He looked so cute there,

"Sam, wake up, dude were here," I  said, shaking him awake

"Hmm?" He said tiredly

"Were here come on, sam." I said as I grabbed our suit cases and then rang the doorbell.

"Hey dude, just like old times, right?" Jake answered. I looked at sam and how he looked so tired but so cute at the same time.

"Hey Johnnie," I said. He was in the living room on the couch,

"HEY IM HERE TO," I heard Tara yell as she walked towards me, "Hey Tara," I said, "What's wrong with Sam?" she asked me,

"Oh, he was asleep on the drive over, and he just woke up," I told her. "Ohh, k," she said as she walked back over to the sofa. "Hey, has any one herd from the triplets?" Jake asks us, "No, I haven't, " I told him "Oh there filming a car video, rn but there like 4 min away," Johnnie said as he got up to get a Dr. pepper.

I looked beside me, but I didn't see sam, and then I found him pasted out on the couch, curled into a ball, I just admired how cute he was, for a little to long, I herd the small chatter from the kitchen stop, and turn into whispers, until I knew what they were whispering about.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, guys, look at colby," I herd johnnie whisper a little too loud.

"Awww, guys, look at Colby admiring his husband," I herd Tara say loudly, which made sam wake up. "Tara, u just woke up, sam." I said, looking at her then back at sam."Hmm?" I herd sam mumble tiredly. "C'mon dude, u fell asleep. Let's go upstairs to ur room, " I said.

"Oh, um, about that, uhh, you guys kinda have to share a room." Jake said. "Oh, that's fine, idrc sharing a room," I told him with a small grin "No like share a bed too.." he said, "Me and sam have slept toget-. " I got cut off by Matt walking in."You and sam have done WHAT together?" he said while laughing. "Haha, very funny, Matt." Even tho it was a joke, it did almost happen once...


626 words

I hope you like this book! and yes, I left yall on a cliffhanger bc I can 😈😈

any who, we not gonna talk about how it took me 1 month to write this sooo ya any who love yall byeee<33

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