Part 3: Wicked rebirth

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The hallways of the stone prison went silent, the sound of wind softly whistled as it passed through the open space, but seemed to freeze in place as it brushed against the silhouette of a man that just stood up from the pool of his blood and guts, the crimson liquid slowly dripping off of his arms that dangled limp to his side, carrying bits of his pulverized flesh down with them, the rest began to hiss and pop like hot oil, before vanishing into a reddish smoke. The man grabbed both sides of his torn and tattered clothes, his long sharp claws dug into the delicate fabric, before effortlessly tearing it apart as he threw the cloth off of his body. He opened his agape and gasped for air, his lungs filled until chest looked like it was one huff away from bursting, he held his breath, as if he was savoring a feeling he had been deprived for years, before allowing the air to escape through his lips that curled into a delighted smile.

"Now then..." His eyes hovered to the iron plated knight that had just closed the distance that was between them in an instant, the white glow in its eyes had faded into a deep red color that shone intensely, the arm brandishing its weapon flying through the air and dropping towards the man, crashing into the latter's forearm that he nonchalantly put over his head, the hammer recoiled off his arm, the force of the strike ran through his body and into the ground, fracturing it. The man's bones snapped like a frail branch and both severed pieces pierced through his skin, blood spurted from his open wound and splattered over his face.

"I suppose it's been quite a while since I've felt this too!" The man flinched, his expression soured for a moment before returning to a wider smile as his tongue brushed over his lower lips, collecting the blood that stained them.

The guardian readjusted itself, its shoulder pads scrapped against its chest plate as it brought its fist to chest height. But before it could launch another strike, it felt its body being lifted off the ground and sent back a few meters, courtesy of the man's fist being plunged into its chest, leaving behind a visible dent in its armor.

"Just a dent? Guess you like it rougher!" as he spoke, he bent his knees, before disappearing out of the knight's view, it frantically turned its head in all directions trying to look for him before being knocked forward again following another blow to the back of its head .

"You were so much calmer when you fought the kid earlier" he said mockingly as he landed, he watched the guardian stagger back to its feet and turning to face him. The guardian darted towards the man who stood still and only reacted by placing his arm ahead of him.

 He waited until the iron warrior was mere inches away from him and about to attack that he closed his fist, the east and western most walls shook violently, their surfaces rumbled like boiling water, the hard cobblestone warped and bulged as if it was liquid pushing against a thin fragile layer beneath. A layer that eventually snapped with a loud noise, two pillars of stone rushed forth from the bulges in the walls and raced forwards faster than a speeding arrow, tearing the floor beneath them apart as they passed. They crashed into the guardian before its hammer could reach the man's head, the latter simply jumped back to avoid the debris from the impact. The guardian tumbled out of the smoke, desperately trying to hold onto its balance.

"It seems that even my physical attacks are not strong enough yet"  he declared whilst placing his left's index and thumb around his chin, gently caressing it back and forth while pondering the situation at hand.

"Magic attacks don't seem to work either" he continued to mumble softly while closing his eyes and tilting his head upwards slightly, ignoring his opponent that stepped back, creating a fair amount of distance between them. The iron monster twisted its torso until its chest was facing the back wall, tightening the grip around the hilt of its weapon with both of its hands.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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