Chapter Fourteen

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     BEING shot by my ex-boyfriend was never something I thought would happen

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     BEING shot by my ex-boyfriend was never something I thought would happen. As I sit here, chest heaving as pain ricochets through my body, John B tears off his bandanna and applies pressure to my wound as I can't seem to relax my body. My ears are ringing as he orders me to take off my button up. Letting out a moan of agony, I lean forward and Sarah helps slide it off.

"I know it hurts, baby, but we've gotta stop the bleeding," he soothes, eyes frantically flitting over my features as I feel my legs growing weak from blood loss. I jerk my head in a nod before gritting my teeth together as he calls Terrance, letting him and Cleo know what had happened.

Not even a couple minutes later they're pulling up and John B is hauling me to the truck, ordering Sarah to stay with them and the gold. My eyes flutter from the pain as my arm tightens around John B's neck as he helps me to the truck all while I keep pressure on the bullet wound.

I can't focus on anything they're saying, only on keeping my breathing steady and under control while also trying to stay awake. As I sit inside the truck, my breathing escalates as I try not scream out in pain while Terrance sidles up to my window.

"Rory, look, you gon' be okay. Okay, baby? Just breathe, relax," he reassures me, grabbing my free hand in a comforting grip as I hastily nod. "Everything's good. We're gonna meet at the wharf in eight hours. No more. It is hot as hell out there. My guy's good. He's gonna take care of you."

"And this is him, right?" John B holds up the phone with an address.

"That's him. He got you. He's a good guy." He confirmed, backing away from the truck.

"T? Thank you," I force out between whimpers.

"We good, baby."

"Hey, hey. You're gonna need some money," Cleo said, giving back the gold we'd melted down. "John B, take care of my girl. Rory! You're a fighter, girl! Hold on!" She attempts before stepping back.

"Rory, you got this! You're gonna be okay!" Sarah calls, grabbing my hand in a vice grip before stepping away. Cleo and her both smack the hood, ordering John B to leave.

The road was bumpy, bouncing the two of us around as I grip the handle on the roof tightly, causing my skin to whiten as I keep my other hand down on my wound. The jostling only continues as we speed down as curved road, almost hitting a tractor as the GPS spits out directions.

I can't focus on the wind in my hair as I once would as I can only think about the possibility of not making out of this alive. My heart is thumping and I can feel the blood leaking between my fingertips as the world spins around me.

"Shit," John B curses as I watch him fumble for something on the ground and my heart drops as we near a car at our high speeds.

"John B, car!" I warn him with a hoarse voice as a tear slips down my cheek.

Hate You  𖤓 John B. Routledge 𖤓Where stories live. Discover now