Planned Conspiracy

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The next day, the rising sun painted the room in a soft orange glow, but for Taehyung, it offered no warmth.

He entered, his steps heavy with the weight of his worry, his heart felt like it was about to burst.

He walked slowly towards the bed and he gently sat beside Jungkook. he leaned down as he cupped Jungkook's face, his cool skin sending shivers down his spine.

"W-Wake up, Koo," he pleaded, his voice thick with unshed tears. "I c-can't bear this pain anymore. P-Please, take this pain away from m-my heart. I fear I may die, if something happens to you, Jungkook."

His voice cracked on the last word, and a sob escaped his lips. He leaned down further, his warm breath fanning over Jungkook's still face.

Tears welled up in his eyes, He squeezed his eyes shut, willing them back, but they spilled over, tracing a glistening path down his cheeks.

With a trembling hand, Taehyung brushed away a stray lock of hair from Jungkook's forehead. His softly caressed Jungkook's face with his thumbs.

He leaned in further, his lips brushing softly against Jungkook's lips in a feather light kiss

It was a soft, desperate kiss, As he pulled away, the taste of salt lingered on his tongue, a mingling of his own tears, As the kiss lingered, a wave of sadness washed over Taehyung.

Taehyung felt a part of himself shattering with each passing second. He couldn't imagine his world without Jungkook

He pulled away slightly, his forehead resting against Jungkook's. His voice, raw with emotion, cracked as he spoke, "C-Come back to me, Jungkook. P-Please. I n-need you."

He flinched, when he heard a loud thunder, his head snapped towards the window facing the street, he wiped his tears in the back of his hands as he pushed the curtains open

he widened his doe eyes seeing the once the bright sky was now dark and cloudy it looked like it was about to rain heavily "I should leave now" Taehyung thought before someone arrives here

Taehyung turned away from the window. He glanced back at Jungkook, who was still in a deep sleep

"i love you koo" the words were formed on Taehyung's lips before he quickly grabbed his belongings

Taehyung stumbled forward, but his foot caught on a loose rug, He tumbled clumsily, landing with a surprised yelp on the floor next to a tipped-over dustbin.

He huffed, bending down to gather the mess, shoving it back into the bin with a sigh. As he straightened, his eyes landed on something that made him gasp.

amongst the banana peels and coffee cans there were small, plastic bottles of pills. But something was off. The seal was unbroken, the pills were clearly unused

Every medication he pulled out - pills, capsules, syrups - was completely untouched. Not a single one showed signs of being used, yet none were expired either.

A knot of unease tightened in Taehyung's stomach. He rummaged further, his fingers brushing against another medicine pack, he recognized this medicine as pain killers Unused, just like the first.

his heart pounding with a growing suspicion. Every bottle he picked up held the same story - unused medication, not a single dose consumed. None of them were expired either. It was as if someone had knowingly stocked up on these medicines, only to never use

Taehyung gulped and he carefully selected a few of the untouched medicine bottles. He puts them inside his bag

With a final, glance towards jungkook, he made his way out of the bedroom, the door closing softly behind him

He didn't waste any time. Pulling out his phone after going inside the elevator, he dialed naina's number, his fingers tapping impatiently against the screen. Relief washed over him when she picked up after the first ring.

"Naina," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Meet me in the hospital cafeteria now. It's urgent."

There was a slight pause, then naina's voice came back, laced with concern. "Okay, Taehyung. What's wrong?"

"I can't explain over the phone," he replied, his eyes scanning around the lobby as he made his way out of the elevator. "Just meet me there, please."

"Alright tae" she said "I will be right there"

Taehyung waited impatiently on the bench on the cafeteria, He scanned the entrance every few seconds, searching for the familiar flash of naina's hair. his heart racing in his chest.

Finally, he sighed in relief as he saw her running inside the cafeteria with a frown on her beautiful face, she had files clutched in her hand.

"What's going on, Taehyung? You sounded really urgent on the phone.

He called her to a secluded corner of the cafeteria, "Look at this." He pulled out the medicine bottles from his bag pack, placing them on the table between them.

Naina's brow furrowed as she examined the bottles "Where did you get these?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"On Jungkook room's dustbin"

She pulled out her iPad and began scanning the barcodes. Her fingers flew across the screen as she accessed a medical database. A moment later, she looked up at Taehyung, her eyes wide with a dawning realization.

"Those are painkillers and antibiotics," she confirmed, her voice low and serious. "A strong combination, usually prescribed for severe pain or healing wounds and bruises"

Taehyung's voice trembled slightly, the weight of the situation settling heavily on him. He clenched his fists, knuckles white, as he stared at the unused medicine

"Then why the medicine unused?" he frowned his voice barely above a whisper.

"This is a deliberate act. Someone planned this, someone is trying to kill Jungkook!"

Naina's gaze hardened, her jaw clenching tight. "This is a big, pre-planned conspiracy, Taehyung," she said, her voice low and dangerous

"Unused painkillers and antibiotics, especially in those quantities, point towards a deliberate attempt to harm him. Someone planned this, someone wanted to make sure Jungkook wouldn't get the help he needed."

"But why?" Tae stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Who would want to hurt Jungkook?

Taehyung felt a cold dread wash over him. The implications were horrifying. Someone, someone close to Jungkook, was planning to harm him. The thought sent shivers down his spine. He had to act fast, He had to think, to find a way to protect Jungkook

His thoughts were interrupted by a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see naina, her face etched with concern.

"We'll figure this out, Taehyung," she said, her voice a steady anchor in the storm of his emotions. "But we need to be careful. We can't let those b▪︎tches know we're onto them."

"we need to find out who's behind this," naina said, her voice hardening as she looked at the medicines "We can't let them get away with this."

Taehyung, his face pale with a mixture of anger and fear, nodded sternly. "We'll find them, naina. And they will pay," he said clenching the medicines on his fists

Who is planning to k!ll Jungkook!!!! Any guesses

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