| The New World |

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          The coo and chirps of birds surrounds a figure in the forest, bustling with plant life and wild critters scurrying about.
In the dark, a grunt escapes the colorful figure. A wolf girl with hair the color of cotton candy, and a lit magical aura that floats in front of her head. With its dim light sparking, she attempts to sit herself up from the grown. As blood dripped from her head, she feels the wound and winces in pain. As her breathing spikes, she frantically looks around for something other than forest and trees.
Rustling leaves from a distance startles the girl, as she looks far into the dark for movement. Two brown wolf ears appear above a bush, then a face peers over the bush. A wolf girl with brown hair and orange eyes looks nervously at the weakened cotton candy colored wolf.
Who in the world.. the mundane wolf girl thought to herself, looking over the other girl lying on the leaves and dirt. With the colorful wolfs last ditch attempt, she reaches out.


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"Please..help..." She then collapses, lying still on the ground. The wolf girl from afar gasps, then rushes over to her. With all her strength, she lifts the collapsed wolf girl onto her back. She then carrie's her out of the forest, an to her house they went.

          Floral scented candles flood the girls room, as she makes her way in, then gently lays the mystical wolf girl on her bed. It wasn't easy sneaking this stranger into her house, let alone past her parents. Thankfully it'd been late enough and her parents were already passed out cold.
                                                       After a moment, she looks over the strange wolf girls body; there were wounds and bruises that covered his girl from head to toe. One more look at her body had her sprung up, then dash into her hallway to her bathroom. Shifting through her cabinets, she finds bandages and ointments to take back to her room. She then quickly gets to treating the wolf girls wounds.
                                                                      The mystical wolf girl flinches from her wounds, catching the other girl off guard. She backs away from the colorful wolf as she groans, then sits up. She slowly opens her eyes, then peers around the room. She feels her aching head, pulsating from the pain, and feeling a bandage wrapped around her head.
                                                                                   "Where am.." she cuts herself off, as she looks up from the bed seeing a wolf girl holding: a cotten ball in one hand, and rubbing alcohol in the other. She then slowly tilts her head down, looking at her arms and body.
           "You..treated my wounds." she stated, "Thank you so much!! You're too kind!" The magical wolf stood, hugging the other wolf girl. Nervous, the other wolf girl hesitated. "It's no problem at all! You collapsed in the forest," the girl explained, "and-"
                                                                    The colorful wolf pulled away, her cheered expression dropped in nearly seconds. "Is something wrong?" the other she wolf asked.
                      "My people..I have to go back! And fight for them!!" she exclaimed, about to run out, then trips and falls to the floor. Her ankle and legs were weak as is, from all her former wounds.
                                                                         "I-I don't know who your fighting or what your doing, but you're in no condition to go out like this!" the other wolf girl states, "What..are you, anyways? Who are you.."         
          With a lowered head, the colorful wolf looks up from the grand back at the girl. She hesitates to say anything, the let's out a breath.

          "I'm a Cosmic Wolf from another dimension, and my name is Crystalia Quartz. I'm the heir to the 4th kingdom of Lunarious, and I'm fighting in a war across the dimensional plane."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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