Chapter One: Cecile

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The wind whipped around me as I burrowed deeper into my winter jacket. My eyes watered, skewing my vision. Walking home did not sound pleasant. Maybe Shaun could give me a ride home? We'd have to pick up Oliver though. Which would take some convincing and he might say no. But I can't just abandon Ollie.

"Cecile." I glanced towards the sound of my brother calling for me from behind me. I smiled, relieved at seeing Shaun for once. Hopeful that he was about to offer me a ride home. Jogging slightly to catch up to where I stood, Shaun smiled at me and I smiled back. Until I noticed his little gaggle of friends following behind him. I tried my best to shake off the dread that was causing my stomach to twist and offer what I hoped to be a convincing smile. Shaun seemed to hesitate, my smile not convincing enough.

"Hey, Shaun, what's up?" I stopped among the sea of students trying to leave school as fast as physically possible, something I wished that I was doing too. Shaun and his friends stopped in front of me, most of whom looked annoyed. One girl with straight black hair (I met her before, what is her name again? Kellie?) looked more pissed off than the others (Kayla maybe?).

(Karl. Definitely Karl. Well maybe not Karl per say, but that scowl on her face makes her befit a gross name like Karl).

"We were going to the movies, I figured you'd want to come." Shaun vaguely gestured to his group. His smile faltered a little as he stared at me. The hint for me to say no was written clearly all over his face. Karl rolled her eyes where she stood behind Shaun before settling me with a glare. Shaun was only inviting me to be nice and I get it, but really did he need to bring all his friends over to do this? It's humiliating.

"Actually, I have plans with Ollie. Thanks though." Shaun's smile seemed to grow a little more tense at the mention of Oliver, as it always did. The two didn't particularly like each other. Well, Shaun didn't like Oliver so therefore Oliver didn't like Shaun.

"Well at least let me give you a ride home." I couldn't help but shift under the gazes of Shaun's friends and feel intimidated.

"No, it's fine. I'll walk home with Oliver." Shaun sighed before nodding.

"Are you sure-"

"Shaun." Karl spoke up, finally stepping forward and cutting Shaun off. "If she says she doesn't want to come, then she doesn't want to come. Stop wasting your time." I felt my face heat up in embarrassment as Shaun shot one last look over at me.

"Okay well-um get home safe." I mumbled out 'you too' as Shaun got dragged away with his friends. Truthfully, I didn't even know if Oliver was still here, but I didn't want a pity invite. Those were more embarrassing than no invite. Shaun didn't mean it. He never did. He's resented me for a while now. Ever since I got us kicked out of our mom's house. I kept thinking that something was going to change, or maybe he'll at least finally snap and yell at me. Screaming would be easier to handle than his constant silent judgment. Then again is it really my fault for getting us kicked out?

Judgment. Judgment. Judgment.

Shut up.

Turning on my heel I started jogging down the street away from the school, my backpack slapping awkwardly against my back. Since we had to leave our own school after getting kicked out. Luckily though they're really only a few blocks from each other. Somehow though, despite being so close his school was a lot nicer than mine. Mine has metal detectors while his' has welcome signs. Despite all that we'd meet at my school because my siblings went to his and my mom picks them up. I try not to see my mom if I can help it.

I slowed down and caught my breath as I stopped in front of Lincoln High School. Crowds of students pushed past me. I silently hoped that Oliver was still here. I don't have a phone anymore so texting her wasn't an option. Weaving my way through the crowd of students, I tried to ignore the bitter bite of winter. It was the Thursday before winter break. Christmas was only a week away, and while it wasn't as cold as it could be, it was enough for me to layer up. Not that I didn't usually wear layers anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2024 ⏰

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