Christmas at the Morgensterns

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Aida was silent, as she packed her trunk. The holidays arrived, she didn't even notice how fast the past few days were. She let out a frustrated sigh, as she continued packing. The train will take her tomorrow in the morning hours along those students who planned to spend Christmas with their families.

- You know, I'm still sad that you can't stay. - Sebastian commented, as they walked around the castle. - I'll be bored, since you & Ominis will go home.
- Me too... But it's just a week, while I'm away. And... Can I ask you for a favour?
- Anything for you, Princess.
- Please... I'm begging you, don't do anything stupid in my absence! Okay?
- I... - he hesitated. He couldn't just take a break from the research. Yet he still can study Slytherin's book, that's not a big deal. Just finding more information to help his sister. - Okay, I won't.
- Good. - she nodded in relief, but deep down she had a feeling he won't listen to her. - I will send you a letter when I arrive. If you may worry.
- I'm already worrying. Well... I won't do anything stupid, if you keep a... how can I say? Since I learnt a few facts about your father, stay low-key for me.
- For you? - she raised her eyebrows.
- You heard me well. Just take care of yourself, don't do or say anything which can make your father angry!

She nodded.

- I won't, don't worry.


- So, for a few days I won't be here. Is it possible, for your trial Headmistress, to delay until I return?

Aida spoke with the Keepers to inform them about her temporary absence. They had the right to know at least that they cannot expect her during the holidays.

- That's unfortunate to hear. - Rackham spoke. - If Ranrok will learn about your leave, he might take advantage of it.
- I'm pretty sure of it, not to mention Rookwood as well. But I know someone who may help us. A goblin precisely. I know it's unbelievable, but I trust him, just like another friend of mine. He has his ways to hold Ranrok back... hopefully.
- If you trust in your goblin friend, we can hope that nothing bad will happen in the following days.
- I'm truly sorry for it. Long story to be honest. But Professor Fig will keep in touch & inform me, if any change happens.

She left the Map Chamber then. She really hoped everything will go smoothly without any problems in the following days.

Then she realised something. What if she might be watched, when she'll be at the train station tomorrow? In disguise or disillusioned, but there might be a chance, if Rookwood's or Ranrok's minion will watch her. She needs to figure out how to cover herself somehow, but not looking too obvious, that might draw suspicion as well.


Again. In the dark corridors.
- It's not funny! - Aida shouted into the darkness. - What are you trying to tell me? What does it even mean?
She ran through the same corridors, until she reached the Undercroft. The dream always ended here, before she could figure out the rest.

- Come on... tell me, what's all about! Is it some kind of prediction? Will something bad happen to someone?

Again in the dimly lit chamber, she went forward to figure out, how will this dream end... if her mind will ever let it reveal.

She focused on the ragged breathing. She must know who might be.

- Show yourself... - she muttered. - If you're trying to tell me something... I just want to know, that's all!

Then she heard something else. It was like someone called her, but from where? The voice suddenly became louder.

- Aida! Aida!

In the shadow of emotions (Gonna REWRITE soon)Where stories live. Discover now