Chapter 9

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-Namjoon did you have your morning tea- I mean coffee?

-Umm... Not yet, but don't have to worr-

-What?!! Wait let me just make you a cup of coffee quickly. It will not take much time, you just sit here in your room I'll bring it.

-But Y/n-

Before he could finish his words Y/n flew out of the room.

-*chuckle* this girl...

After 15 mins...

-Here is your coffEEEEEEEEE AH!

Y/n didn't realise that the maid had right now mopped the room's floor which was still wet. Y/n with her coffee slipped on it.


She landed on the floor with Namjoon holding her and the coffee totally spilled on his shirt. The cup broke too.

-are you ok?

Namjoon said looking at Y/n who was red due to embarrassment.

-Ye-yes... And you?? Oh no... I ruined your shirt

-It's ok... I'll wash it.

-No but-

-Let's get up from the floor?

Both stood up not looking at each other. Y/n being red but was enjoying the moment with Namjoon. Everyone came hearing those noises along with the maid who got angry looking at the condition of the floor, slapped her forehead as she again had to mop the floor.

-Y/n can't you use your eyes while walking?

Jungkook said crossing his arms on his chest with crooked eyebrows

-Jk she didn't did this intentionally...

-No Hyung she's being too careless now-a-days-

- Don't be angry... I said it's ok right? Then why are you acting like this? Don't...

Y/n felt guilty of what she did. She had ruined Namjoon's shirt.

-I'm sorry... I'll clean it up...

-You should, as a sorry.

Jungkook said in a lecturing voice. When everyone had left it was only Jungkook and Y/n in the room. As Y/n bent down to clean up the mess, Jungkook approached her with a naughty smile on his face. He bent down to Y/n and whispered into her ear which made her flinch.

-Had your moment with crush?

-What are you saying-

-You understood it very well...

-Umm... But why you behaved with me like that?

-To see...

-See what?

-That even if I scold you whom's side he takes... I think he likes you too? That was a test

-Stop being delutional, he's a man. Not a boy. He had acted as a real man that doesn't mean he likes me back. And shove your test up your ass.

-Huh! Did you just cuss-

-Yes! Now don't just scream mom's name. You better help me cleaning up.

-You predicted my next move too fast... Okay then I won't. Tell me what I have to do?

-Go get the bucket from bathroom.

Jungkook got up and went towards the bathroom and bought the empty bucket out.


Y/n slapped her forehead letting out God's name.

-Fill it with water dumbass

-You didn't mention-

-It's common sense!!!!

Jungkook again got in the bathroom rolling his eyes at Y/n and bought it again filling it with water.

The maid was silently watching them and enjoying the view of them cleaning up and was also feeling relieved.

After they were done they went downstairs to inform their mom and saw Namjoon with a cup of coffee sitting on the couch which was made by their mom. Y/n felt sad as she failed to serve coffee to Namjoon.


The Way We Once Were: A JinKook FFWhere stories live. Discover now