The Jealousy Game [Rohit × Virat] pt-2

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[So Now it was 8pm as Ro told the bottom's to help him in the kitchen everyone was there but they could have just order it from any hotel right ? But as u know our Ro don't want his kids to have unhealthy food so that's the reason while the top's were in leaving room talking about random things let's see what our bottom's ki toli is doing]

Ro- [while cutting onions] ohh God this is the most tough job to do [tears are coming from my Ro's eyes]

Kul- come on Ro bhai u can do it

Rah- wait but why do we have to cook always

Siraj- true

Rishu- why don't we tell them [the top's] to cook today

Bhuvi- True let's do this

Ro- no need to trouble them [Said while tears are rolling down from his eyes]

Rah- naah Ro bhai look at yourself you are struggling to cut the onion

Kul- let's go

Ro- nope

Siraj- [hold Ro's hand and tried to take Ro outside the kitchen]

Ro- wait let me first wash my hands [Ro washed his hands] let's go now [Everyone went in leaving room]

*In leaving room*

Vi- what happened Ro why are u crying [caress Ro's cheeks]

Rah- well he is not crying he was cutting onions

Vi- ohh

Rishu- so we want u guys to cook dinner for us tonight

Yas- wtf baby u know I can't cook

Rah- then take the help from Google

Dik- but baby uk it that my hand made food is tasteless

Kul- so what atlest give it a try

Yuzi- Kul baby are u kidding me

Bhuvi- no he is not

Boom-Boom- but baby how can we cook

Ro- with your hands now inside the kitchen fast we are hungry

Shami- but I can't cook

Siraj- try

Ro- now go fast

*Now every bottom was looking at there boyfriends with puppy eyes as they knew they will fell for it and they did*

Vi- fine we are going

Ro- yes thank u Vi [hug Vi]

Vi- no problem [Ro broke the hug]

Rah- know go inside what are u all waiting for

[Top's went inside the kitchen after 1 hour Vi came in leaving room to inform them to settle on dinning table]

Vi- so guys [Everyone look at him]

Ro- [laughing] ohhhh god Vi ............

*Now everyone started to laugh at him*

Vi- what happened guys

Ro- did u bath inside with the flour

Vi- no why ?

Ro- look at yourself you are literally covered in flour
[Ro goes towards him]

Vi- oh shit I didn't notice it

Ro- no problem wait here [Ro started to clean Vi face with his hands while automatically Vi put his hands on Ro's waist]

*with other bottom's*

Rishu- see I told u all that there is something going on with this 2 [RohiRat] but u guys never listen to me

Rah- now after watching this I feel like u are right

Siraj- yes miya just look at them

Bhuvi- they are lost in there own world

Kul- yap they look so peaceful with each other see

[Now every bottom was admiring them]

Rishu- sorry to break there moment but I'm hungry

Rah- what???

Rishu- [shouted] I'm hungry Vi bhai

[Both Rohirat came back in the reality]

Vi- [remove his hand from Ro's waist] ohh sorry let's go

*Now everyone was settle while Rishu took the first bite of the food*

Rishu- ohhh man who made this ?

Dik- me why ? [Nervous as hell]

Rishu- this is so good Hardik bhai

Rah- what really let me check [Now Rah had a bite of the food made by Hardik] and u told me that u make tasteless food are u kidding me Hardik

Dik- I thought like that

[Now after the dinner Top's clean everything and now everyone is sitting in leaving room]

*Ro phone Rings*

Vi- Ro your phone

Ro- Ohh who's it ? Polly oh god
[It was a video call]

*on call*

Polly- hi baby I miss u

Ro- miss u too buddy btw how are u my Polly

Polly- all good but missing my bestie so much

*with Top's*

Yuzi- I think the beast is going to devour his beauty tonight

Dik- yes just look at him [Vi]

Yas- RIP Ro bhai

Shami- let's just pray that he can walk tomorrow if possible

Boom-Boom- naah I don't think he can

Rah- what are u guys talking about?

Dik- Nothing baby just a random talk

Rah- ohhh

[While our Vi was burning in jealousy]

Vi- Mr.Rohit Kohli meet me in the room after u are done [said it in a cold tone and left from there]

Ro- [In his mind- I fucked up really bad shit]

Polly- enjoy your long night Ro

Ro- it happened because of u

Polly- yeah yeah bye

*call ended*

[Ro left from there and went inside his room]
That's all for today I will update it tomorrow lots of love and take care of yourself ❤️🧿

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