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~~~~ A little side note from me: I don't really proof read any of these so sorry for mistakes (I'm also dyslexic and english isn't my native language so bear with me) ~~~~

The chirping of birds was the first thing she heard. Birds... The rustling of leaves was the only sign of wind being present as well.

She didn't know how she knew that. But she did. She felt the grass beneath her fingers and could smell the fresh morning air that surrounded her. Lov. That was her name. She was called Lov, that's all she knew. She didn't know how she got here, or when. 

Where was she?

She slowly opened her eyes, lashes fluttering open. Beside all the brightness that met her, there was a lot of blue. A whole lot of blue. She didn't know why but blue was her favorite color. What did she know?

She sat up, looking around. She was surrounded by a sea of cherry blossom trees. Butterflies danced around her and circled the trees. She was confused on how exactly she got here, or why, but just laying here and looking around wasn't gonna do anything for her confusion. ~

So she got up on her feet and picked a direction to walk in. She almost went left when she saw something strange stick out from the top of a tree. Curiously she started walking in the direction of the weird shape. It looked like some type of flag.

After a while of walking in the same direction, a path was revealed. She followed the path curiously. She passed millions of cherry blossom trees, little lakes, green grass, different colored flowers and all different types of butterflies. 

She was too focused on everything around her that she forgot to look in front of her and crashed head first into a metal gateway fence. The fence made an echoing noise from the impact. Lov moved her hand to her forehead where she could feel a bump forming. "Ouch" She looked up at what had hurt her and her pain was forgotten in an instant.

As she lifted her eyes to what she had bumped into, a giant castle was all that took up her vision. And in front of that giant castle there was a huge gateway fence. The castle was all pink and white colors. Flags were on top of the huge towers that were on all sides and corners of the castle. Hundred towers had balconies and pointy roofs decorating them. 

Before she could take it all in, the golden gates in front of her squeaked loudly and slowly opened. Shocked, she stood there for a few seconds, looking around to see if anyone else was here. Spotting not a single movement besides the gate opening.

Slowly and curious as she is, she starts walking through the gates, towards the castle. The doors of the castles came closer and she's looking around her to see if anyone else was present.

This was all so weird, why was there just a huge castle in the middle of the cherry blossom woods? Why was she here? How did she get here? She would very much like some more information now. If only someone would be in this huge castle in front of her. Someone had to be in here right? Someone who could explain everything that's going on. Why she just appeared in the middle of a cherry blossom forest. HOW she appeared in the middle of a cherry blossom forest. Because Lov for sure didn't know herself.

So as she walked through the giant castle doors, she looked around for any sign of people being or having been there.

All she saw was one big empty room. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of her delicate pink heels tapping on the beautiful polished floor. There was no sign of anyone ever having been here. Everything was clean, which was actually weirder if no one was here. Yet there was no one in sight and not a sound to be heard. Not even a single sign of life. 

At least not here.

Maybe somewhere else in the castle? It's a giant castle, this surely can't be the only place people would be.

So with that thought Lov searched throughout the entire castle to find someone, anyone. When she was done searching through every part of the castle, the sun was already setting and beautiful golden hues shone through the many big windows.

She was starting to feel more and more anxious by the second. Why was there no one here to give her any answers? All of a sudden it felt like the huge room was not providing her enough air. She needed to go outside, get some fresh air, and then make a plan for what to do. She saw a door that probably led to the garden of the castle.

She walked through the door and as she expected, a huge garden was revealed. The garden was filled with beautiful flowers of all colors. A path led through the garden and there were arches and fountains along the way. Lov decided to just walk around and follow the path while she was walking.

As she got lost in her thoughts about what to do, she slowly drifted off the path without noticing. Could she sleep in the castle? It had a bedroom, and no one was there anyway. But maybe people did live there and were just away for a bit. But then why did the gates open for her? Why was nothing locked?

Her train of thought got interrupted when she heard a weird sound. Something that didn't sound like birds, the sound of her footsteps or leaves rustling. She came to a stop and let her eyes glide over her surroundings. She noticed that she somehow had made her way to the end of the garden, where a tiny door found place amongst the wall of bushes that surrounded the garden. The sky was a dark shade of blue and purple now and the air was getting a bit too chilly to her skin.

Curious, she opened the door and walked through it. The other side of the door (unintentional) revealed what she assumed to be the edge of the forest, as she could see a river stopping the trees from continuing. 

She started to make her way to the river when she heard the weird noise again. It sounded like some type of hissing. It seemed to come from behind one of the cherry blossom trees. Once again, curious, she made her way over to the tree to see what made the noise. When she almost reached the source of the hissing, she stepped on a twig and it let out a loud crack as it snapped in half. Before she knew it, a black cobra appeared from behind the tree and quickly slithered in the direction of the river.

She let out a tiny yelp of surprise before running after the snake. She wanted to find out where it came from. Cause she hadn't heard or seen any other snakes around.
She stopped as the snake quickly slithered over a bridge that went over the river. She stood there, at the foot of the bridge and looked with amazement at the sight in front of her.

Behind the river and on the end of the bridge, she could see a seemingly endless forest of dark willow trees. All though, it looked more like a swamp than a forest. She could see shiny patches of what she assumed was water, scattering through the forest (swamp?).

The sky was now almost pitch black dark and stars began to form in the inky black void. She should find a place to sleep. And the castle was probably her best option right now.

Still a little bit curious, she walked to the middle of the bridge to see the dark trees a bit better. When she didn't see anything interesting in particular, she looked up at the sky above her. As if the stars would have an answer to her questions. Maybe someone lived in the stars, if someone did, then she'd ask them if they could send Lov some answers. Or someone who could answer her questions.

And when she turned back to the cherry blossom trees, ready to walk her way back to the castle. Right before she started walking, before she could leave without answers. A quiet "Hello?" Halted her steps.

~~~~ Thank you for reading! ~~~~

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