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Sorry for the wait. I had started working again for the summer while job hunting and trying to work on my Studio Ghibli story, too.

But unlike my Ghibli story, this is going to be broken into parts. Easy and less stressful for me and keeps you readers somewhat happy.

Please note that I don't take requests once I start making the story because it will throw everything that I have in mind out of order.


"Ugh... ow, my head. What happened?"

Jim mutters out as he pulls himself up from whatever he is sitting or lying on, which happens to be a comfortable chair. Regaining his senses, Jim finds himself that he's in some kind of theater that is ten times bigger than any other theater.

Feeling the weight on his right side, Jim turned to find his mother asleep and leaning against him.

Jim gently shakes his mom up, "Mom. Mom, wake up."

Sarah's eyes flicker as she comes to her senses. "Jim?" Seeing her son's concern and worried expression, something tells her that they are no longer in their home/inn.

"Where are we?" Sarah, asks her son, "I don't know." Jim replied.

Just then, Jim was pulled away from his mom and pinned down by a girl close to his age, holding a wavy sword pointing against his mother's throat.

"Who are you, and why have you kidnapped us?!" The girl demanded answers.

"Hey, I didn't do anything! Just let my mom go." Jim retorted.

"A likely story." said the girl, as she pushed more weight into her hold on Jim.

Sarah cries out to her son, "Jim!"

Suddenly, a blue tail wraps around the girl, pulling her back away from Jim and his mom. Following the tail to the rest of its body left Jim and Sarah's eyes widened in shock, amazed, fear, and above all wonder.

A Dragon.

At least something that describes what a dragon is.

"Whoa, hey, easy there, Raya. You don't need to threaten a family to get answers. Just be friendly and gain trust." said the dragon.

Raya tried to reply, "But they-" but was cut off by someone from her past.

"So, this is what you've been up to. Raya."

Everyone turns to find another girl with nearly half of her hair shaved off walking towards them with a fang-like spear in her hand.

Jim, who got back up, went over to protect his mother said, "I know I'm going to regret asking, but who is she?"

Raya glared at her enemy, got out of Sisu's grasp, and answered. "A no good binturi." Before turning her attention to the dragon. "Sisu, hide."

Sisu ducked down behind the chairs next to Jim and Sarah and smiled and waved to them, who gave a small wave back to her.

"'Binturi?' Now that's not a nice thing to say to an old friend." said the new female.

The girl, Raya, gets in a defensive position, waiting for what this new girl is going to do.

"Hand over the dragon scroll. And I'll let you and your new boyfriend and his mother live." The spear-wielding woman said with, demanding force.

"What? No." Jim denied it, while Sarah also vouched for her son's relationship with Raya never happened.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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