Chapter 10

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{Brigitte's POV}
Why in the living Hell did he bring a human here? This is a disaster waiting to happen. "LJ? Can I speak to you for a moment?" The clown snapped his head toward my direction. "Sure, I guess". He just shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. "Alone?" I said motioning my head toward (Y/N)'s direction. "Ben, Melody keep an eye on the human for a minute." "Brigitte why do we have to babysit". Melody whined. "Just for a second". Before she could respond I grabbed LJ's hand and dragged him into the hall way and out of the living room. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" I whisper yelled. He giggle. "Clearly". I slapped him upside the head. "LJ this is serious. You brought a human to the mansion! Do you know how much chaos you're gonna create?! What are you gonna do when Slender finds out if he doesn't know already? He's not gonna let you keep her as a "play mate". I'm not getting in trouble for you're doing... Again. Besides she's gonna be dead-". He cut me off. "Will you shut up and let me explain?!?!!" I sighed and crossed my arms signaling for him to continue. "Thank you....She was the babysitter for my next victim, and she messed up my kill, so I took her. I figure I'll keep her around for awhile." "So you're gonna kill her once you're done with your "play time"?" "That's the plan." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I hope you know what you're doing." He giggled again. "You worry to much." "You get me in trouble to much". He started Laughing hysterically (like usual). "I can't disagree with that one." After our little 'whisper yelling' conversation we walked back into the living room.

{(Y/N)'s POV}
I just stood there awkwardly when Jack and Brigitte walked back into the room. Brigitte glanced at me, walked back to the couch and picked up her book and acted as if nothing ever happened. The room was in dead silence. "BEN YOU FUCKING ASSBUCKET DIPSHIT!!!!!!!!" I jumped. I was not expecting that. "Ben I suggest that you stop cheating or I won't hold Melody once she goes ape shit again." Okay so the girl with the grey hair is Melody. Note to self don't get on her nerves. "I'm not even cheating she just sucks." The Ben said smirking up a storm. Jack quickly grabbed my arm and dragged me up the main staircase. "As much as I want to see how that plays out, I'm not letting Melody hurt you. That's my job." I rolled my eyes. "My hero, what a gentleman". I muttered it under my breath so it was barely noticeable. We reached the top of the stairs and walked down the dimly lit hallway. It had at least 10 doors. They were all different. For example, one was pink with an "S" on it. They were pretty basic. We walked about half way down the hallway and Jack stopped at a black and white striped door. "I'm guessing this is your room?" And looked at me and smiled his sick, innocent, yet creepy smile. "You guessed right lollipop." I gave him the most disgusted look I could ever give. "My name is (Y/N)." He giggled. "I know I just like to make you mad. You look so funny when you try to be intimidating. You scrunch your nose like a little bunny." He was so cheerful, then his voice yet again got deep and dark. "I hate bunnies."

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