Chapter 4: Return of the Lost son

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Why arent you the Charmer Naruto-kunn"Naruto turned around as he was Met with Kiyomi.

Kiyomi was the absolute definition of a Goddess. She had an Angelic heart shaped face, Silky fair skin, and a Cute button nose. She had long lusciously crimson hair and Sky blue colored eyes. She stood at an Impressive height of 5'9.

Naruto grinned."Why not when I have the most beautiful women in the Elemental nations by my side. Any man would be an Absolute Idiot not to brag about it" Said Naruto as Kiyomi held a folding fan ti hide her Blush.

"Such a charmer" Said Kiyomi with a Beautiful smile on her face. "Now you two" Kiyomi eyes landed on Gustiva and Tier who went stiff as a Board.

Gustiva and Tier gulped as they stared at their "Sensei" who Tortur- I mean trained them for these past few years.

"Your performance today was we'll satisfied you two. Great job in handling those Bandits" Said Kiyomi as the Two sighed in relief.

"However!" Both of the girls flinched. "I want to see that effort when we are in training and Don't hold back so much" Said Kiyomi with a stern glare.

Naruto chuckled as the two were getting a Lecture. However his chuckle soon faded as he thought about what was going to happen a week from Today.

The day he returns back to Konoha..

"Recap End"

Minato sighed for the 100th time today. He had done hundreds of paperwork for today, he was sick of it.

He rubbed his head as he went through the stack of the Paperwork."This doesn't even make any sense!, how do you even get your Ningen stuck inside of a cave?" Muttered Minato as he tossed the scroll.

His head slumped on the table."Sometimes I truly wonder why I took this position" Said Minato to no-one.

His thoughts then drifted to his personal life, thats when things went to shit. He barely even went home nowadays and there was only little time where he could train Natsumi and spend time with Kushina.

Here he was the fastest shinobi in the elemental nations but could barely spend time with his family.

He began to think about the good times that he spent with his family, there was no issuess with the family at all, Infact their relationship was rather healthy. Kushina knew that being the Hokage for the village and making time would be quite difficult even for Minato but she knew the importance of the role and helper Minato along the way.

Minato looked down at the picture and smiled."There stood Himself along with Kushina who held the Stoic vision of Natsumi.

Minato frowned and let out a heavy sigh. After Naruto escape from the village, Kushina had went into a deep depression locking herself inside of Naruto room and barely even eating anything.

Natsumi blamed herself and drove herself into Training, she quickly began one of the Top Kunoichi of her generation just like her father.

Minato remembered the events after capturing the Traitor labled Mizuki touji.


"Hokage-sama we found something!" Said an Anbu member with a Monkey mask. Minato eyes snapped over to the ANBU and flashed over to him with great speed.

Minato nearly cringed as he saw the Broken and bloodied body of Mizuki. Minato handed the nody of the chunin to the ANBU member.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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