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Y/N's POV:
We were all walking together and Ashlyn was asking did Aiden order the lights I turned to Aiden "I still don't understand how you are that rich.." he only smirked at me "Maybe I can get you something quiet Nancy" I glared at the stupid name again "All I want is for you to stop calling me that." He only snickered Taylor put a hand on my shoulder smiling at me softly causing me to smile back before she turned to question Aiden as well "Aren't your parents going to be confused when the lights arrive though." I nodded along "My dad would beat me if I ordered that." Tyler looked at me funny causing me to look back at him until he looked away Aiden shook his head "Nah they're in a trio right now and probably won't be back for a few months." It was silent until I heard Tyler scoff "I was wondering where the need was." We looked forward and noticed Logan being yelled at Ashlyn clinched her back slightly "Is he being bullied." I glared at the sight Taylor sighed "It's him again." Tyler nodded "Yeah yeah I'm on it." I walked forward to "I'm coming with you." He looked at me and I ignored it worried about Logan Tyler calling its name bringing his attention to us "Barron what are you doing?" I added, "Besides being loud and annoying." Barron sighed annoyed "Oh great." He looked away from Tyler's gaze I looked at Tyler's face and it was cold it was kinda cool to see him stand up for Logan. "I'm just talking to my science partner about our project." I rolled my eyes "You're acting like we didn't see you yelling at him." Tyler glanced at me as he responded to Barron "I'm sure you were." I saw Logan shaking slightly I walked to him and reached out touching his cheek softly seeing him flinch I frowned and checked for any more injuries Tyler looked back at Barron sounding pissed off "I'm not an idiot Barron I could hear you yelling from the end of the hallway. you already skating on thin ice with coach so buzz off before he finds out how you're treating your science partner." Barron rolled his eyes "So annoying...fine. But Y/n right? Come find me if you want someone actually interesting to hang out with." I cringed and glared at him I felt Logan shift and turned seeing him looking at the floor "Thanks..". Tyler looked at Logan glaring softly "You are seriously scared of him? After being around those things every night.pathetic."

Taylor hurried over checking on Logan "Tyler! Not cool." I nodded agreeing and walked closer to Tyler "Yeah Tyler.You saying that totally made him feel better." He rolled his eyes glaring at me before ignoring me I groaned silently and walked back to Logan Taylor looked at me then back at Logan "What was that about?" Logan was quiet until he sighed answering quietly "I forgot to do his part of the project." I glared and turned to face the direction Barren went "I'm so gonna beat his ass." Taylor put a hand on my shoulder and shook her head I groaned and turned back.

Tyler rolled his eyes slightly "How is he supposed to survive when he can't even stand up for himself? Right now isn't the time to be soft." I was about to say something but Ashlyn cut me off "Tyler's right though his way of saying it is uncalled for, Logan definitely needs some strength trying we all do. THAT'S why I'm thinking of asking my parents to teach us self-defense.

They taught me some when I was younger but I don't remember it enough to teach you guys on your own." She finished and I thought about it that was a kinda cool idea and I don't think I've ever seen Ashlyn's parents I wonder how they are I was brought out of my train of thought by Tyler's voice " weaned you worried about us getting sent to an asylum or something what are you gonna tell them when they ask?" I thought about it "That was want to start a self-defense club for the school!" It was silent and they all looked at me "Dang my bad..." Ashlyn shook her head and answered Tyler's question "Yeah that's the reason I haven't asked them yet but after what just happened I think we can use Logan being bullied as an excuse

Something along the lines of him wanting to defend himself and to be supportive we're all going to learn with him" I looked around and didn't notice Ben or Aiden "Guys where's Ben and Aiden?" Tyler hummed "Yeah it was quiet for once without the psycho." I elbowed him softly and he only glared at me Taylor's voice brought our attention to her "Oh um I think Ben started acting weird Aiden said they were going to the vending machine and would see us in class."

We nodded and went to class but they never showed up...I heard a ding on my phone and saw a text from the group chat Aiden said he would see us at lunch j nodded to myself and closed my phone. The bell rang and Dad asked for everyone's papers I was behind Ashlyn and saw Dad pause and look down I looked and saw Ashlyn's shadow had short hair... Ashlyn called my dad's name gaining his attention "Mr.Thomas?" He blinked surprised then smiled again "Oh right thank you." My dad grabbed my hand "Hunny can I keep you for a little while?" I noddedY'alling to the group "y'all go without me I'll catch up.." they nodded leaving I waited till everyone left before sitting in front of my dad waiting for him to talk he said, "So anything happened with your group yet?" I shook my head no "No,they have seemed more tired but that's probably just school.." he nodded resting his head in his hands "Your friend Ashlyn did she cut her hair at all?" I stiffened up for a second but soon relaxed No he wouldn't notice "No sir, it's still long as ever makes me wish mine was that long.." he laughed softly "yea I must be going crazy but don't be down about your hair. your mother use to have the longest hair I'd ever seen it was beautiful." I saw him smiling sadly I got up and hugged him softly "Thanks, Dad...I have to go eat lunch but I'll see you later okay?" He nodded patting my head I hurried out of the class room and to the group

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