Chapter 2: 2 Days Before the Masquerade

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"Jayne, I told you, I can't afford any of these gowns that you're having me try on," I protested.  Jayne laughed.

"Trust me, I've got it.  Don't worry about the cost," she answered.  "Now, turn around and look at yourself in the mirror."

My eyes widened slightly

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My eyes widened slightly. I definitely don't look like I belong in the real world in this dress. doesn't quite feel like me. I brushed a hand across the bodice of the gown.

"You like it, sis?" I bit my lower lip, smiling embarrassedly, and shrugged.

"I mean...sort of." I glanced at Jayna.


"But...the color's just not"

"Okay. So, what colors are more you? What would you like to see yourself in?" I hesitated for a second before speaking.

"Are you sure you're okay with this, Jayne? I mean, I don't even know if I'm going yet or not."

"Didn't your parents already buy the tickets?" I shook my head.

"Not for us. We put enough money aside and donate it that we're...apparently among those who just need an invitation. Which seems crazy to me, considering that my parents and I don't earn anywhere near that much money at our jobs."

"Okay...Putting that aside, yes, I'm fine with it. I promise. Besides, if you go, then it'll be significantly less boring for me." Jayne grinned and winked at me. I rolled my eyes, smiling slightly.

"Okay, okay. You've convinced me. Now, I just need to worry about a mask, a gown, and a ride. I feel like I'm in a fairytale or something. How'd I get lucky enough to have you as a friend?" Jayne snorted as she helped me back down off the platform.

"Because someone somewhere decided that we needed to be friends. Don't worry about the mask, gown, or ride. I've got all that covered. You just need to worry about what you wanna wear." I tried on the next gown, all while keeping my eyes closed (at Jayne's request).

"  I tried on the next gown, all while keeping my eyes closed (at Jayne's request)

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"Okay. You can open your eyes now." As soon as I did, I cringed. It was a beautiful dress. I just...didn't think it looked beautiful on me. I shook my head.

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