Sanji's Want

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"Ughhh! Why can't I get a woman on this damn island?!" Sanji cries in the kitchen finishing the dishes after having a very awkward lunch with just the green haired swordsman.

"Get off the ship and go flirt if you're so damn desperate curly brow! Now shut up!" Zoro yells from outside annoyed after the hours of hearing Sanji's complaining.

They're the only two on the ship since Sanji finished getting the rest of the groceries earlier than he wanted. He didn't have anything else to do afterwards so all he could think was just wait at the Sunny. All the other Straw Hats are still wandering around, enjoying the island before they leave. Zoro offered to watch the ship for the day, since he wasn't too interested in the island when he set foot on it the second day. So unfortunately for Zoro, he has to hear Sanji complain about his sad attempt with the ladies.

"I tried that the whole damn week mosshead! None of them seemed even remotely interested!" Sanji bursts from the kitchen door to continue to complain to Zoro, "I even went to their red light district and they all looked at me with complete disinterest. I don't understand, at least one of them would've been genuinely interested, right? You know how I do things if I go there, we get along, I pay, and then do it."

"You've told me that already three times just today. Maybe you're just so unattractive to them they don't want your business." Zoro sighs, trying to get comfortable again laying on the deck.

"Me? Unattractive?" Sanji goes into a depression slumped down in front of the kitchen door, "I mean, I get you being unattractive but definitely not me."

"Hey, I'm plenty attractive. Haven't had any trouble to get someone for a night."

"Dream on. That moss ball on your head isn't attractive at all." Sanji gets up and lights a cigarette coming down to the main deck near Zoro. He looks out onto the island and sighs, "All of them are just playing hard to get, that's it."

"Just stop being so desperate and maybe you'll actually get one. You're overthinking this." Zoro moves slightly away from Sanji not really wanting to hear more complaining. He just wants to sleep in peace.

"Then you go try it. If you come back and say you got one then I'll slightly believe you."


"Yeah, you might lie to spite me so keeping that in mind."

"I will not." Zoro states and gets up, "I'm not desperate enough to lie about fucking someone."

"Well how about this." Sanji leans on the railing looking to Zoro with a proposition, "Tonight, you go out to the bar with me and get a woman. Prove you can to me. I'll buy the drinks and if you manage to get the one I choose, I'll let you drink the best alcohol I have stored. If you fail I'll laugh at your sorry ass and you buy me whatever I want. Sound fair?"

"Why do you get to choose? You might just send me to someone your type and I'm not into your type." Zoro crosses his arms.

"I know you're not interested in my type, I know what kind of person would interest you. If you're really not interested then I'll just try to find someone else for you."

"What if I don't want someone?"

"Then I guess I just wasted money on alcohol for a dumb mosshead. We have one night left at this island so this offer stands only now." Sanji moves closer to Zoro to size him up a bit, "You at least want the alcohol don't you?"

"How about, I'll get the alcohol and you let me add one more thing when I get someone."

"What do you want?"

"Come with me into town before we head out, that's all."

"Why? Scared you'll get lost?" He teases.

"No, but do you accept?" Zoro comes closer and they're almost touching.

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