The Visitors

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Just after leaving Wano the crew sets off to the next island excited about where they will go. Zoro is taking a nap on the deck with Chopper cozying up beside him after a day of sorting out the medical supplies. Sanji is in the kitchen making some refreshments for the crew, mainly Nami and Robin, while the two women enjoy a bit of the relaxing evening sun. Jimbei is up at the helm making some small talk with Franky about the ship. Brook is off working on his newest hit, while Usopp and Luffy are off fishing trying to see who can get the most catches to fill up the aquarium.

While Sanji is still finishing up filling the glasses he hears a loud noise from outside, but doesn't really pay much attention to it. Until he senses an extremely strong haki, he felt it surpassed Kaido's or Big Mom's by a huge margin. Running out in worry, in front of him he sees Zoro holding Enma's blade at the neck of a tall blonde haired man. The rest of the crew surrounds the person but the ones who are in front that can see his face clearly, are just paralyzed in shock. He can't see the man's face from his position, but he can tell just from his stature. Even though his arms are up in surrender Sanji knows the one in front of him is much stronger than everyone on the Sunny.

"Well now that everyone is here, let me introduce myself. I'm Sanji the cook for the Straw Hat Pirates." The man claiming to be Sanji says confidently, "Now, would you put away your sword Zoro?"

The man worded it like a question, but it didn't feel like one. It was a demand.

"I don't believe you." Zoro replies.

"I might be older, I'll admit it, but I'm Sanji and unless you want things to get more complicated I would suggest putting Enma away."

"Listen to him Zoro." Luffy requests, looking to the man in awestruck.

The swordsman reluctantly does as he's told and the man claiming to be Sanji speaks again smiling, "Thanks Luffy, you know I never realized how small you are. It's cute. How old are you now? What recently happened?"

"Nineteen and we just left Wano not too long ago." Luffy is taken back by the questions slightly and so are the rest of the crew.

"So you guys haven't made it there yet?" The man moves to a thinking stance then crosses his arms. Looking around then turning to Sanji and Zoro behind him. They both retreat slightly seeing his face, it was obviously aged but the features on it were unmistakable. That was Sanji, his hair was parted like how it was before the two year reunion at Sabaody, longer and somewhat wavy tied in a low ponytail, he has the eyebrow that curls in a swirl, and his clothing is simple but somewhat formal. A solid white button up that's slightly undone at the top with small ruffles, with black dress pants and shoes. One thing that got their attention the most was the ring on his left hand. Noticing the two looking the older Sanji holds up his hand. Smirking he says, "Yeah, it might be a surprise but I'm married. Being young at the time and not wanting to settle down didn't complicate things thankfully. Still a happy marriage at forty."

"Yes! I'm not forever alone!" Sanji cheers.

While Zoro makes the annoyed comment, "Damn I thought he would be forever alone."

"I heard that, you muscle head!"

"You were meant to, you dumbass love cook!"

The two glare at each other and and start bickering while the older Sanji laughs, "Wow, this is definitely what I miss." Turning to Nami and Robin he simply smiles, "And you two lovely ladies are looking as beautiful as ever."

"Why thank you." Robin smiles back.

"Mr. Sanji do you still..." Nami is almost too hesitant to ask thinking it might be too rude but it's a question she wants to know, "Do you still flirt with every single woman you see that's your type?"

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