The Sky Island

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Robin was smiling thinking about the recent "event" that happened between her and the handsome green haired swordsman.

Every time she saw Zoro, she can't help it. She wants to kiss him again. "Calm down Robin, you're acting like some kind of a teenager, Robin you are an intelligent woman with a functioning human brain". She murmured to herself.

In a distance an orange haired girl is watching her curiously.

Hey Robin! What's up? Something on your mind? "I saw you smiling from ear to ear. And you start murmuring something. Something is bothering you Robin? or should I say someone? Said the nosy Nami

"Nami-San it's nothing, I am just excited for our adventure to the sky island. Maybe there's a poneglyph that I can Decipher". Replied Robin

"Alrighty then, Fair enough. In less than three hours we will sail before the sun is officially up in the sky. We must ride the knock-up stream, we can't afford to missed it. Okay Robin I will go check the guys".

Everyone was flabbergasted with the "modifications" of going merry.

A chicken? Woah! So Cool! The Masira Monkey Brothers really did a great job! Exclaimed the excited Captain.

Chicken? Why not a pigeon instead? it makes more sense since a chicken cannot fly. Says the grumpy Mosshead.

Oh wow! Nice, I hope we won't get roasted like a chicken barbecue in the sun before we reach the sky island. Said the Raven haired archeologist

Zoro Chuckled at her comment. "Hahaha you and your dark humor, easy woman, easy."

"Okay everyone! Let's start our journey up to sky island! The navigator shouted

Aye! Nami-Swaaan! Nami-swan is very pretty when she is in command. Says Sanji while doing his Noodle dance

Yahooo!! We are Going to the Sky Island! We're going to the Sky Island! Luffy, Usopp and Chopper happily Dancing and chanting

Finally they Reach the Sky Island, Safe and Sound?.

Hey Guys! Look outside the ship, it's pure white! Luffy exclaimed

What Clouds? We're in the clouds? How are we staying on them? Said Nami

After Hitching a ride on a speedy shrimp, The Strawhats Pirates have much to learn about their new surroundings.

The Strawhats devided into two Groups... Luffy, Sanji and Usopp. The Group of Luffy went their way to Angel Beach.
While Zoro, Robin and Nami went their way to the Upper Yard. And chopper stay behind to guard the ship.

Zoro got separated from his group thanks to his good sense of direction.

After a lot of wrong turns, Zoro find a way up to the middle of the ancient city. He cautiously look around and he spotted the old knight guy, some skypiean warrior and a certain Raven haired beauty. Robin?!.. she look worse but she manage to flash a smile when she saw Zoro, before she cross her arms ready for her attack.

Zoro noticed a man setting on the ground, little far away from them. He had blue eyes, blonde hair, pale skin, he is a very tall man with a weird drums attached on his back. And the old knight refer to him as the false God Enel.

Zoro realized what was gonna happen.. The False God is going to attack Robin! "He watch her stiffened as thousands of volts went to her body".

"Robin thought this is it, this is the end for her. When she felt warm envelop her and hug her tightly seconds before she almost hit head on the ground".

Robin! Please stay with me, okay? Robin please! Don't die on me! Zoro whisper to Robin while he still holding her.

Robin just nod and managed to smile at Zoro.

Zoro faced the Lighting Man. He shouted She's a Woman! Why don't you fight me you Lighting Freak! But before Zoro could launch his attack The False God Enel struck him down with his power.

Robin watch the horror.. she was so shocked.. hands on her mouth. Zoro! She felt weak still but she managed to walk towards Zoro. She stared down at him. "Zoro? And she tired to flip him over. God, Zoro you're heavy, she uses her power to flip him. She check for pulse on his neck. There was none."

No! Zoro! She started to panic.. she pumped her hands against his chest. Then she open his mouth to breath some air to his lungs. She continued on doing it. Pumping his chest, and breath air to his lungs. But Zoro still unresponsive. She gave up and start sobbing. She stop crying when she heard him muttered some words.

"Robin you know that won't kill me right?."


He smirked and hug her. Are you worried? You are crying because you think I was already Dead? Are you afraid of losing me huh Miss archaeologist?

She giggled and said back.. of course Mr. Swordsman. I don't want to die, I really Do care about you.

Zoro smiled at Robin, I think we need to go now, we need to find and maybe help the rest of our crew.

Just a minute Mr. Swordsman? Can we just stay a little bit.

Okay Robin.. still hugging her. But you know you can call me Zoro. Don't call me Mr. Swordsman, Zoro is fine.

Robin giggled.. Okay.. Zoro.


Hope you like it. Give some love you guys. 💜💚

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