Chapter 3

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Your POV

   I get out of bed and put on one of Ray's T-shirts and a pair of shorts and I walk to the kitchen to start making breakfast. After a few minutes Emma stumbles into the living room yawning, "what happened last night? why where me and Norman sharing the same bed?" she asked, her eyes drooping. "well, I thought it was cute seeing you guys together SE we put you in the same bed as Norman" I say not really knowing what to say, "you want some eggs and bacon? they're fresh!" I say cheerfully, "sure, why not?" Emma says "can I have some orange juice with it?" Emma says with her mouth full "I'll have to run to the store and grab some."  I reply, Emma gobbles down the rest of her breakfast. "I'm going to get Norman and i'll get dressed" She said she walked into her room and a few minutes later she came out in a beach-y outfit and with Norman all dressed too.

    "Good morning Y/n!" Norman said with a smile, "Back to ya! But I really need to get to the store to pick up a few things so you two lovebirds watch keep an eye on the time and Ray, I'll only be gone a few minutes" I say grabbing my keys and wallet, "see you in about fifteen minutes!" I shout.

Emma POV

  As soon as Y/n left Norman looked at me and asked "what was that all about?" his face looked puzzled "I don't know, but it was very out of the blue that's for sure" I say thinking out loud. Norman looks at me and questions "is this some kind of prank between you and Y/n? or is this Ray and y/n's doing?" he says "I think Ray and Y/n are behind this, I didn't even know" I say blushing at how close to my face he was "is everything okay?" he asked, "uhm, Y-yeah it's just your so close" I say, his face turns red too as he jolts back "I-I'm so sorry Emma!" He said flustered. 

       Just then Ray walked into the kitchen "whoa, whoa, whoa, what happened here?" He asked with a teasing tone, "N-nothing!" I say my face still red. "well it certainly doesn't look like nothing" He smirked, "Y/n! Erm I mean Y/n is out at the store, so just relax and eat some food before we have to go do something Y/n planned for our trip." Norman said changing the subject, "ehh okay" Ray says rolling his eyes. just as Ray makes himself a plate Y/n busts through the door, "I got OJ!" she handing me the orange juice.

Your POV                                                                                                                                                                       

I hand Emma the orange juice and I plop myself down on the chair next to Ray, "Well? what are we doing today love?" Ray says teasingly. I look at him, my face flushed "w-what?" I say "what are we doing today love?" He says once more but this time casually, Emma catches on and squeals "You guys are dating!??!" Norman looks over and smiles "I'm happy for you Ray,  you too N/n" I smile back "thanks Norman, at least your not teasing or squealing at the top of your lungs" I say as I give Ray a side eye. "tch, please" Ray says. I grab Ray with one hand turning his face towards mine and I give him a stern look before giving him a kiss making his face turn red.

           "why do you always have to do that?!" he shouts "because i can" i say proudly. "you're such a kid N/n" Ray says still blushing I roll my eyes and I look at my phone "Okay so I have a platinum Wrist-bands for the water park, and I've got the food situation all worked out too." I explain "get your suits on and lets go!" I say happily Emma and Norman run and grab their suits and I run into my shared room and open my case "how many did you pack?" He said looking at all the swim suits that were in my bag. "I got the ones I liked" I say picking up my credit card and waving it in the air, "Now hurry and get your suit on" I say pushing him into the bathroom, "Okay! Okay! I'm changing now you get into your suit before I make you!" He shuts the door in my face and I start to change.

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