Chapter 1

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I am Ganabelt Valkyrie's second in command, well that was before Alphen, Shionne and Rinwell defeated him and freed Cyslodia from his control.

Now as I was walking through the streets the people of Cyslodion gave me dirty looks and they all hated me. (Everyone in Cyslodia hated me but since I live in Cyslodion I only get it from there.)

I was wandering the Cyslodion streets when I saw Alphen and his friends about to leave Cyslodion.

"Wait!" I called out to them.

They turned around to look at me.

"Can I come with you? I know I don't deserve it after everything I've done but please let me come with you. I have no life here, everyone hating me plus ever since I was a kid I wanted to explore all the other realms." I said, my head hung low a bit.

"It's alright. You were just following orders-"

"Alphen!" Shionne shouted.

"Everyone deserves a second chance Shionne." Alphen turns back to you. "You can come with us, the more the merrier." Alphen said.

My face lit up at this as I examined everyone and I saw someone I recognized.

"You were one of the snake eyes. Law right?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's right." Law said smiling.

"Should we really take her with us though? She was Ganabelt's second in commander, what if she-"

"What's your name?" Shionne asked, interrupting Rinwell while also sending a glare her way.

"Oh yeah, I've completely forgotten to ask that. What is your name?" Alphen asked.

"Y/N." You replied. "So where are we all travelling next?"

"We're going to Menancia." Alphen answered.

"Menancia." You repeated.

"Something wrong?" Law asked.

"No, its just that Dohalim Il Qaras is the lord of Menancia. He's 1 of the most feared lords in all of Dahna. He wasn't the nicest to Ganabelt or the other lords either, he was nicer to me, I never knew why though and I never dared to ask him about it." You explained.

"Don't worry, we beat Balseph and Ganabelt so it's nothing we can't handle." Law said overconfidantly.

"No Y/N's right. If he's the most feared in Dahna he might not be like the other lords we faced so far." Shionne said.

"So we just need to have our gaurd up." Alphen said.

I nodded in agreement.

"Well lets not waste anymore time, lets move." Shionne said as she started walking away.

"Hey! Saying that kind of stuff is my thing!" Alphen called after her as he started chasing her.

In the distance I could hear them arguing about who should say what and I giggled at their bickering.


It took a while but we finally arrived in Menancia.

"Wow it's so beautiful here." Rinwell said.

"Despite Dohalim ruling over it Menancia can be a sight to see." I said.

"Y/N have you been here before?" Law asked.

"Nope. Being Ganabelt's second in command ment I attended to his every need and he never left Cyslodia, sometimes he would travel to Messia 224 and I would accompany him but that's about as far as I've gone in this world." I answered.

"But you mentioned how Dohalim was nicer to you, so, you must have met him." Shionne mentioned.

"Never in person. Whenever Ganabelt would speak to the other lords he would always talk to them via a hologram and even then some of their conversations were confidential in which case I wouldn't be allowed in the room, nor could I spy on them without getting caught." I explained.

"Can we just hurry up and get to Viscint already?" Rinwell asked, obviously annoyed.

"She's right. We need to get to Viscint before nightfall." Shionne comfirmed.

"Alright, if we're all ready." Alphen said looking between all of us.

We all nodded and started heading in the direction of Viscint.

We had to fight some zeugles on the way but not as much as we would've had to fight if we didn't get to Viscint before nightfall.

When we got there it looked like the same sight you would see in Cyslodion if Ganabelt was still ruling over Cyslodia. Unhappy people, some even living on the streets surronded us.

There weren't many slaves about, Dohalim must have them working in the palace, I thought to myself.

"This doesn't look like a nice place to live." Rinwell observed.

"Rumor has it that before the Renans took over Dahna that Menancia was a really beautiful place to live but now Dohalim and the other Renan lords have ruined its beautiful nature." You said.

"Do you hate the lords?" Alphen asked me.

"I don't hate them I just hate the fact that they found Dahna and just enslaved everyone for their stupid crown contest. I never said that to any of them because they were all capable of killing me, I mean what could I possibly be able to do against all 5 lords." You said.

"You could get people to stand up against them." Rinwell mumbled to herself.

"You really don't like me do you?" I asked.

"Why should I? You were the second in command to the person who enslaved my home." Rinwell said.

"Trust me when I say that if I wanted to kill all of you I would've done it by now." I said.

Rinwell looked away from me with her arms crossed, still not trusting me.

"Lets just get to the palace." Alphen said, sensing the tension in the air.

Outside of the palace there were 2 Renan soldiers by the gates.

"You aren't allowed in here." The gaurds said as we approached.

"I am Ganabelt Valkyrie's second in command and he sent us here to talk to Dohalim Il Qaras." I said.

"Why can't Lord Ganabelt talk to Lord Dohalim himself?" The other gaurd asked.

"His hologram thingy broke and he didn't want to leave Cyslodia so he sent us." I said.

"Alright, may I ask what business you have with Lord Dohalim?" The gaurd asked.

"It is private and confidential so whatever it is doesn't concern you." I said.

I would've felt bad for how I treated the gaurd if he didn't take ages to let us in.

As we were walking in Dohalim was walking down the stairs like he was expecting us.

As Dohalim was looking between us all we locked eyes. His gaze was cold and calculating though I should've expected as much, afterall I joined up with the rebels and he probably knew that.

Phew! Finally finished chapter 1 of this book. It took a while but I finally have it done.

Also halfway through writing this chapter (400 words in) I realised the place is called Elde Menancia, but I was already too far gone into this book so I just continued to call it Menancia and probably will continue calling it that for the rest of this book.

Besides I think the characters ingame call it Menancia anyway (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).

There were multiple times where I wanted to end this chapter but it either wasn't a good place to end it or just not enough words.

I will be adding Kisara into the next chapter but I must warn you, she is not the Kisara you know. 😔 Sad I know.

Enough from me, now I want to know who is your fav character?

1230 words

Hope you enjoyed!
Bye Kittens <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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