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Here you can request a one-shot

1: Who is it about (You can use Y/N one of the casts even the ones that aren't on my list and an OC)

2: Who's POV is it? I can do third person first person and try your pov

3: Who is in the story? 

4: What is it based on for example (Steve Rogers and Bucky competing over who is stronger)

5: One of the cast can be your OC or Y/N Parent/Parents

6: Plz no crazy ships like Peter and Tony or Pietro and Wanda I can't do stuff like that

7: Who's your friend and who's your enemy? (So I know who has a bigger role in the story)

8: How long should it be (2000 words 900 words nothing higher than 4000 or lower than 900)

9: Requests here ---- >

Avengers one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now